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playlist: Boyz with fun - BTS
word count: 1136

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Narrator's POV

Jimin kissed her right then and there.. they dont give a fuck about anyone or anything who can see what they are currently doing.. screw all the humans, the ghost, the zombies..

they do what they want to do..

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its been almost 6 months since theyve started dating yet again.. the 2 are still the same, there may be small quarrels between them but they know inside their heart that they love each other very much.

today is a thursday, Dahyuns at college, she wants Jimin to come over again. she knew its has been so long, it has been years since Jimin last been to this campus again.

this was their school, a lot of memories were made in here. back then, Jimin was in college and Dahyun was still in high school. now, Jimin is fully an adult who's supposed to be working but isnt while Dahyun is a collage student.

her college is the same collage Jimin went to, shes sure that there are a lot of memories Jimin made in this campus. even if Dahyun wasnt there with him while he was in college, but she knew there must me some memories he missed here and she wants to make him recover from the memories.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook left all of the sudden, Dahyun is sure they didnt even get to greet a last perfect goodbye to everyone at campus. their batch maybe gone by now, doing their own adult activities, but there should be some teachers who're still here who teached them back then.

hey babe?


can you pick me up after class?

yeah sure, just call me when you want me to pick you up, im free the whole day today.

okeyy thank youu

welcome, love u Da

love u too <3
read 09.48 am.

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when Dahyun finished all her classes for the day, she went out of the campus and saw Jimin, who was leaning back against his car. she went towards her boyfriend and a few steps away from him, Jimin walked up slowly to her.

he engulfed her into a welcoming hug, before greeting her,

Jimin: how was your day?
Dahyun: mm it was fine. nothing new, nothing interesting.

they pulled away from the hug, but Jimin right away held the girls hand kinda tightly nit wanting to let it go.

Jimin: shall we go now?

Jimin was about to reach out to his car door but Dahyun stopped him from doing so,

Dahyun: oh about that, do you wanna go in campus? you can meet your old teachers that you didn't get to greet good bye back then..

she said, which actually Jimin was already about to say yes to but Dahyun thought other wise,

Dahyun: i'll let you do anything you want to me if you say yes to thiss.

she bribed, slightly pouting which made Jimin want to say yes 100 more times then before..

Jimin: i was going to say yes in the first try, but your bribery made it even better.

he teasingly said to the now, tired expression girl..

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they walked in the campus hand in hand. not going to lie, Jimin actually missed this campus very much.

he had the best time of his life around here, even if he skips his classes a lot, he had a lot of fun in this campus.

he made a lot of memories here, from making new friends, being one of the bad boys, skipping classes, getting in trouble and many more.

other than the college campus, he also missed the high school building. he also made a lot of memories there.

like people say, highschool is one of the best moments in your life. and for him, its true, he loved his high school moments.

there maybe time when it would get stressful and tiring but high school is a lot of fun actually. its the stage when you're starting to grow up from your childishness..

Jimin: i really miss this place, i havent been in here for so long, cant believe im stepping on this floors again..

Dahyun smiled at the happy looking Jimin,

Dahyun: lets go meet your old teachers!! who first?
Jimin: is Mr. Hwang Seongon still here?
Dahyun: the biology teacher?
Jimin: yeah him.
Dahyun: yea he is!! lets go to him!

Dahyun held Jimins hand and pulled him to the biology laboratory. upon reaching the lab, Dahyun knocked on the door and peeked on it.

he saw Mr. Hwang sitting on the teachers table, working on his laptop. once the teacher realized that the room door was open, he shot his head up to be met with Dahyun.

Dahyun: good afternoon sir, are you busy?
Mr. Hwang: no Dahyun, im free, do you need help with anything?
Dahyun: oh im just here to accompany someone who wants to meet you sir..
Mr. Hwang: oh? who is it?

Mr. Hwang asked, and Dahyun slightly pushed Jimin forwards so the teacher could see him clearly.

Mr. Hwang: is that.. JIMIN?! the PARK JIMIN?!

the teacher was to shocked to even think. he knew this boy was troublesome back then, yet he still loves him as a student.

Jimin: its been long sir..
Mr. Hwang: godd, welcomeee Jiminn!! where have you been all this years??
Jimin: i went to Busan sir, sorry it took long.

Mr. Hwang and Jimin had their bonding hug, sharing 'i miss you's to each other.

Mr. Hwang: so is Dahyun your sister? how did you get here?
Jimin: oh actually no, shes actually my girlfriend..
Mr. Hwang: eh? how? since when?
Jimin: uhm when i was in college and she was in high school, we were already dating but we broke up and got together again a few months ago..
Mr. Hwang: oh god i didnt know any of thatt..

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they had a pretty long and fun conversation with Mr. Hwang, Jimins old biology teacher and Dahyuns biology teacher now.

Dahyun pulled Jimin all around the campus today, meeting Jimin's old college teachers. even those teachers misses him and wished that he didn't leave..

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ephemeral • dahmin ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora