22 • talk

40 6 0

playlist: Jamais Vu - BTS
word count: 1007

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Narrator's POV

they all finally arrived at the younger girls apartment, taking out gadgets and books to study.

they took out some snacks and drinks from the pantry to munch on and got into a comfortable position.

the 3 younger girls were getting their homework done with the help of the older girls. while the boys were awkwardly sitting on the couch staring at them studying.

Yejun: dude, help us teach them rather than sitting awkwardly there..

the boys turned their heads to Yejun, and just stare at her.

Jiyu: come sit here.

they went to sit where Jiyu pointed at, looking at what they are studying.

Taehyung: not gonna lie, we didn't finish college so i have zero clue on what you are studying..
Jiyu: Tae.. they took the art major we all took.. you all were there when we learned this.

Taehyung took a look at the notes and the designs that were spread on the laptop, then he finally realized that he actually learned this too back then.

Jungkook: oh yea we actually learned this, but i forgot..

Jungkook said, the girls just rolled their eyes, playfully being disappointed.

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after their studying session finished, with a little help from the boys. they all were now doing their own things, some talking, playing their phones, eating snacks and whatever.

Jimin: are you guys staying here?
Aeri: yes we are and you are too!
Jungkook: no we are not, we wont fit and you guys would be uncomfortable.
Jiyu: says who we wont fit.
Taehyung: says me!

.. well ..

Jiyu: you have 4 room right? your rooms and a guest room?
Chaeyoung: yeah! it's totally fine for us if you guys want to sleep over, it would be fun.

Chaeyoung said looking at the 3 older boys.

Aeri: okay so we can just easily divide into 4, 3 rooms with 2 people and 1 room with 3 people.
Tzuyu: so who's with who..

after a whole thinking session,

Jiyu: can i make the partners!

some of them didn't answer, most of them said yes and one girl said no.

Jiyu: why not??
Dahyun: im so gonna hate you after this..
Jiyu: so is that a yes?! well im not taking a no as an answer anyways..

Dahyun rolled her eyes, knowing whats gonna happen after this.

Jiyu: yes okay sooooo..

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after all the partners have been decided, it's obvious who's with who by now..

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