Chapter 28: Family grill night

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Normani walked out of LJCorp with Lauren, Camila and Lori. She turned as she got to her car.

"Are you sure we can't bring anything?" Normani asked.

"Nope, we're stopping on the way home, so we'll grab what we need," Camila answered with a smile.

Camila and Lauren were leaving work early with Lori, so they decided to have a spur of the moment grilling night at home. Eliza was arriving in town for the weekend and happily answered their text that she would be able to join in as well.

They stopped and the store and picked up supplies then headed back to the house. When they carried the last of the groceries inside Lori went and settled in the play area, happily grabbing out the building blocks and starting a project. Camila and Lauren started unpacking the supplies and Camila looked over at Lauren.

"Is everything okay with Clara?" Camila asked quietly, not wanting to bring up anything in front of Lori that might bother Lauren.

"I honestly don't know what to make of it," Lauren said, pausing halfway through a bag and leaning back on the counter to face Camila, "She said she wants to sell me her shares in LJCorp."

"Wow, how come?" Camila asked.

"Well, she claims that she wants me to be able to run the company as I see fit without any interference," Lauren answered, then she added even more quietly, "And she said her biggest regret was not being a better mother to me."

"Wait, seriously?" Camila asked, looking at Lauren with an unsure expression.

"Yes, that's what she said," Lauren answered with a sigh.

"Lo, how do feel about all this?" Camila asked, walking closer and gently holding her hands. Camila could see the indecision on Lauren's face. Lauren leaned into Camila's body and pulled her close stayed quiet for a few moments before pulling back and looking up at Camila.

"I don't know," Lauren answered. "I wish I had a better answer, but I honestly don't know what to make of it."

Suddenly Lori came around the corner and looked up at Camila and Lauren. Camila moved back from Lauren slightly and gave Lori a smile.

"Hey, little one," Camila said, "What's up?"

"I'm thirsty," Lori said, walking to the refrigerator and struggling to open the door. When it suddenly popped open Lori nearly fell back onto the floor. Camila chuckled as she moved closer to help.

"Let me get you some water," Camila said, pulling the pitcher of filtered water out and placing it on the counter.

"Water?" Lori asked, clearly disappointed.

"Yep, it's the best thing when you're thirsty," Camila answered, filling a sippy cup and handing it to Lori.

"I like chocolate milk better," Lori answered, grumpily taking a sip.

"Water is fine," Lauren answered, taking Lori's hand and leading her back to the play area. Lauren sat down and Lori's mood brightened considerably when she realized that they were going to play together.

Camila watched them settle then moved back to go about preparing the food for the night. She set the flank steak into the marinade then began chopping the peppers and onions. When she was done with that she pulled out the cheese and the grater and began grating. Her mind was on Clara as she worked, wondering if there could be any underhanded reason for selling the stock to Lauren. No matter how she tried, she couldn't figure out any way that owning the stock could harm Lauren. LJCorp was still making a handsome profit and there were plenty of projects on the horizon that were forecast to do well. Camila finished her preparations and washed her hands then moved to join Lauren and Lori.

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