Baltics X Reader : A new start - Chapter 1

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Baltics X Reader : A new start - Chapter 1  

Welcome to Hetalia High  

  "Honey? We're home. Wake up sweetie"  

Your mother awoke you from the hell you experience in your dream just now. You immediately raised your head up and looked out the window. You were home. You sighed of relief, unbuckled your seat belt, and went inside. You ran to your room as you heard your mother yelling your name. You locked your door and collapsed on your bed, crying your eyes out. The dream-thenightmare you just had was simply horrible!   

The nightmare you had was about leaving your friends and family, going to the new school. The kids there. Looking at you. Staring death glares at you. Laughing and pointing at you. Chanting and calling you names. It was torture...

  Your mother lightly knocked on the door and asked you what was wrong, you just ignored her and a few moments later she left. You really didn't want to move... After a few minutes of just laying there, you started to drift off into Dreamland again. You were scared to go to sleep if there was going to be another nightmare, but you had enough and didn't care anymore. You kept having these dreams over and over again for the past 2 months. You thought you'd get used to it, but apparently not. Every night's nightmare grew more horrible and worst. You were just tired of life. There you blissfully drifted into sleep. Hoping you will never be awoken again.  

Well that wish kinda came true.    

Your mother kept shaking you and yelling your name until she poured freezing cold water on your face. Your eyes shot open and you gasped for air. "______!! Wake up!" your mother shouted in your face. "Dear, we got to get ready! Remember we're moving today. You got four hours to pack up your things. So I would hurry if I were you." She walked out.  You took a deep breath and sighed. Today you would be leaving and tomorrow you would be going to that new school-what was it called again? Oh yeah, Hetalia High. That school is said to be one of the best schools in the world. Again, you didn't want to go, no matter what if you were invited or not. Yep, you got personally invited to that school for your amazing grades. You really didn't try that hard to earn them, in fact, you swept easily though them and everyone else.  

You started packing up your clothes and personal items while your brother and father got the furniture. After the long four hours plus the three hour ride. You finally got to your new house. The sun was beginning to set for the day. You were exhausted. After the long unloading, it was nightfall. You were in your room, looking at a photo of you and your friends. You almost shed tears but words from -Insert Friend 2's Name- rang though your head. She told you to be strong and never look back. But how could you never look back? Your friends were there... 

  You wiped away the tears forming from the corners of your eyes and stood up. You weren't going to let this get to you. You were going to stay strong-for your friends and family! You promised -Insert Friend 2's Name- -you promised everyone you knew! You looked at the clock, it was 10:01 P.M. You needed to get some sleep, it was going to be your first day in the hell-hole called school. You laid in the bed and pulled the covers over your head-trying to mentally prepare yourself. You finally went to sleep. Wondering what will happen tomorrow.  

-Next Day-

The alarm's ring burst though your eardrums. You eyes shot wide open and you lifted yourself up and turned off the alarm clock. "Ugh..." You slowly got out of bed and walked over to your closet to get ready. After twenty minutes of getting ready for school, you ate a short breakfast, said goodbye to you mother and father, and walked to your school.  

"Room 106...? Oh-there it is..." You approached the door and you heard the teachers voice.

"Okay students. We got a new student here at our school so please treat her nicely and give her a warm welcome! She should be coming soon, I wonder where she is..?" There was your cue. You took a deep breath and sighed as you walked into the classroom. "Oh! There she is. Ahem! S-Students, this is ______ _________, like I said, please be nice to her. Welcome to Hetalia High." You looked around the classroom and you immediately tensed up. There was mostly boys in the classroom and only a few girls. All of them were staring at you but a couple.   "Ms. _______, can you sit between Toris and Eduard?" The teacher pointed to a empty seat between to boys. "U-Uhhh, yeah.." You slowly made your way to the seat and sat down. Few minutes later into class, the boy on your left tapped your shoulder. You directed your attention to him.

"Yeah..?" you whispered. "H-Hey, my n-name is Toris, I was wondering if you needed help, you know... I can show you around school and what not? If that's okay with you o-of course.." You smiled at his timidness and generosity. "Sure~"  

Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad after all...

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