Baltics X Reader : A new start - Prologue

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Baltics X Reader : A new start - Prologue

Good luck.

 You looked out of the car window, staring at the beautiful sunset. You were a bit stressed out and exhausted from today's  activities. You had to go shopping for a uniform. For you were moving. Moving houses and moving to a new school. You grew up in the neighborhood of ________, you were so used to it. It was your true home. 

    You had great friends in the neighborhood, also your school,____________. You told your friends that you were moving less than 2 months ago. (Insert Friend 1's Name) cried and wined while (Insert Friend 2's Name) felt a bit crossed, but they understood the situation. You all tried to spend time with each other together, not wasting a second. Trying to make your time together last. You really didn't want to move, your parents didn't either-but you guys had no choice.   Your drowsiness was catching up to you. Your eyelids slowly falling down. You just had enough crying. You didn't oblige, you let  sleep take over. Your vision going blurry, you were going into Dreamland. Off to your fantasies to escape life's troubling issues.   Yes. But the dream you were having wasn't a very pleasing one. In fact, it was a eternal nightmare for you.  

Good luck.  

Your gonna need it.

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