Baltics X Reader : A New Start : Chapter Three

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After the first period, Toris introduced you to two friends of his. Eduard and Raivis.

"_______, these are my friends, Eduard and Raivis." Toris pointed to the two boys behind him. One with blonde hair and glasses, the other one was very short from the other boys in school. Well, there is a young kid named Peter that's the same size as Raivis, but he's in grade school.  

-Your POV-

"Hello there." Eduard waved. I nodded. "H-Hi..." Raivis tried to wave but I guess his shyness got to him. I smiled at his cuteness. I noticed a very faint blush from him when I smiled, but I ignored it.

Second period was history, we were doing a group project. Luckily we weren't assigned groups. Raivis went up to me and tugged my shirt. I turned my head and looked at him. His head was down and he was shaking a bit.

"S-Something wrong, Raivis..?" I was a bit concerned about him. "Hey _________, c-can you be in a group with us-"

"Hey Sunflower, you want to be in a group with me and Yao?" I turned around to see a tall boy with snow-blonde hair and a pink scarf, behind him was a boy with black hair in a pony-tail.

"...Uhh.." I honestly didn't know what to say, he had a intimidating purple aura around him. But besides that, he didn't seem too bad... "Aiyah, Ivan don't force her. She may wanted to be in a group with Raivis and his friends, aru." Yao spoke out. "Okay then~ See you later little Sunflower." They walked away to their area.

"______? Do you-I-I mean, if you don't-"


"Oh! G-Great! Come on then" Raivis grabbed my hand and lead me to where Toris and Eduard were sitting. I saw a smile on Raivis' face. His shy personality was fading, he was growing more confidant. It made me smile. Today, today surely wouldn't be bad.   Right?  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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