Chapter 4: The Watcher

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This was the first time I had felt my heart drop. I was petrified. Aemond stopped and looked at me and all I could see was fear and regret in his eyes. "Who's there," I whispered creeping forward trying to make out the silhouette before me. "Answer me god dammit!" My words were aggressive which scared the figure. Before I could blink the person ran past both me and Aemond as fast as lightning, neither of us being able to see a face.

"What do we do know?" I asked Aemond as he looked towards the ground. "Stay apart from each other. The man we just saw can't say anything if their isn't any truth. He will be prosecuted for treason if he does. Don't meet me and never speak of this to anyone," He said swiftly. I know this was going to happen but why did it hurt? I have only known him personally for a day but I have always hated him. Well. His family to be precise. "Y-yes," I said gulping as I turned to step away. He grabbed my arm "I'll won't forget this, I won't forget you, Y/n...," He smirked. Somehow that just made it worse. I was hurt and what by?

A day passed and every chance I could get I would look at the alleyway. The alleyway that seduced me. That mesmerise me. I secretly hoped Aemond was their looking at me in his green cloak. My whole life I have found it hard to find love; for someone to love me. Maybe Aemond is the one? No. No I cannot think like that. I will not. Aemomd is a Prince and I am a peasant. Not only is that wrong it is also illegal according to the King. Aemond must marry someone who will benefit his house. Which most likely will be a year old or his own mother if so. Even so I despise the Royal family. Aemond doesn't love me and I don't love him.

It turned night fall and as I do every night I walked home from my fish stall and as I walked past the alleyway I saw a hooded figure. Was it..? No; It can't be. He said we couldn't meet. I walked towards the silhouette and I soon discovered I was right. It wasn't Aemond. But the figure had white hair just like Aemond. Blue piercing eyes met me as I walked towards them. He was wearing the same green cloak Aemond was wearing the other night. "Can I help you?" I asked still edging towards him. "I don't know, can you?" He replied with the same smirk Aemond possessed. "I'm looking for my brother. He looks exactly like me but he likes fucking peasants whores in the middle of the street." A piercing look slashed me as he walked into me basically touching my skin. "I- I'm sorry I can't help." I was helpless. "No but can, can't you?" He smirked again and this time I was uneased by it. "Sorry can I take your name so if I see your brother I can tell you," I asked hoping he wouldn't say what I was thinking.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself.

Unfortunate Love (Y/n × Aemond Targaryen) Enemy to loversWhere stories live. Discover now