Chapter 5: Fuck me lifeless

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"I'll make sure to find you if I hear anything about your brother," I said in a haste trying to step away. As I turned my back a hand grabbed onto my arm.
"I'm sure you will," He murmured clenching his jaw but not so much so I could understand. I walked away quickly, looking back at certain times to make sure I lost him. He was no longer in sight. Why was it such a big deal to Aegon? He fucks anyone he makes eye contact with regardless at who they are. Why is it so bad me and Aemond kissed? We never actually had sex. I mean we were so abruptly interrupted by his slutty brother.

I arrived home but something was off. Really off. Before I left my house this morning I was sure I had put my bread loafs away and folded my throw onto my chair. Someone was here. I could feel their gaze piercing through me. I slowly walked into my kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife I owned. But that wasn't so sharp; I'm too poor to even afford water never mind new silverware. Creakkkkkkk. A slow sinister creak swarmed my left ear towards my bedroom. As I walked, I could feel a distant heartbeat inside my thought and my face was burning up like a fire drowning a village. I held onto the door handle for a few seconds before I flew open the door. Before I could see who it was I grabbed them and threw them onto the wall and place the knife so close to their face it was merely touching their nose.

"Woah watch it we wouldn't want my other eye gone aswell," Aemond giggle as I let go and sighed.
"What the fuck are you doing here I thought we agreed we couldn't see eachover especially since your brother knows" I said with a sense of relief that it was him standing in my presence.
"What are you talking about? Aegon knows? How?" He questioned while walking towards my bed. "That night it was him who-" I was interrupted. "Who what?" Aemond looked me up and down as if I was a prize he had just won. "Stopped us having sex." I said with a surprisingly straight face. Who would have thought I would say that.
"Did he follow you?"
"I don't think so."
"Good" He jumped up from the bed and pushed my face against mine. "I couldn't stop thinking about that night, about how cowardly I acted. Nobody stops me getting what I want."

As my face was lached onto his I travelled my hands down to his cock. He groaned lightly into my mouth. I was wet just from him doing that. He dragged me to the bed and started undressing me. Feeling ever inch of my body. His lips made its way to my pulsating cunt as I pulled at his hair. Even with one eye he knew where everything was. He didn't stop until he knew I climaxed and then he stood up. A bulge was facing me and he started to undress. Once I saw his cock I was shocked. "Fuck me," I whispered under my breath not realising he could hear me. "My pleasure," He smirked and placed his massive cock inside me. We lasted hours until it became time he needed to go back to the castle.

We lay for a while thinking about what had just happened. "What will happen now" I inquired looking up at him.
"I will go to the castle"
"You know what I mean"
He looked at me.
"I must be going now I have work to do at the Palace."
I knew it. I knew he would use me and leave me. Typical. What makes him different to any other scumbag in this village. But I was not going to let him use me.

Unfortunate Love (Y/n × Aemond Targaryen) Enemy to loversOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant