The next generation - pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Gideon Evans-Woods
Theme song: 'Zombie' - Bad Wolves
Parents: Homicidal Liu (father) and Vailly Evans (mother)
Species: human
Race: Caucasian
Identity: cis male, he/him
Sexuality: N/A
Current age: 7
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: forest green
Personality: energetic, helpful, sporty, forgetful
Fun facts:
- His full name is Gideon Jeffery Evans-Woods. Another nature-inspired name for his first name, and his middle name is from his Uncle Jeff.
- Like his sister, Gideon's parents hadn't wanted him. But they still loved him as soon as he was born.
- When Gideon was 5, he was riding his bike (Nathan had stolen one for him and one for Prairie) when he lost balance while riding over a root. He hit his head hard and was unconscious for two days. For the next year, he suffered from sleeping spells. He still has a small bump on the back of his head from where he fell.
- Like his cousin Hector, Gideon loves playing soccer. Whenever Jeff comes over, Gideon always begs him to get out the ball so they can go play in the backyard.
- Gideon thinks boys are very pretty, and he likes lovingly staring at pictures of them in books. All the adults know that he's fruity, but they also know it's his journey to figure it out.
- He's especially close with his dad. When he was a toddler, he once walked in on Liu cutting himself. Gideon simply asked his dad not to hurt himself again, and Liu felt so horrible that his then 3-year-old son was having to ask him this that it motivated him to never cut again.
- He loves riding on Nathan's or Lyra's shoulders.
- Like his sister, he inherited his mother's telekinesis powers. But since he hasn't had them as long as his sister (they laid dormant for longer), he doesn't know how to fully control them.
- Gideon is that kid who's always bringing home bugs, frogs, or worms in his hands. He even brought home a garter snake once. He also loves playing in the rain with Prairie.
- He's often told that he looks just like his dad, which is understandable, as he has the same dark brown hair, sharp features, and forest green eyes.
- Both he and Prairie are scared of Sully. Sully feels terrible about this, and he keeps trying to open up to them (even Vailly has tried to get the kids to be nice to him), but they can't help but be nervous around him.
- Lyra taught both Gideon and his sister how to swear properly.
- Gideon always jumps at any opportunity to help someone if they need it. He often helps Vailly gather spices, rocks, and other trinkets for her witchcraft practices.

Arielle Harrison (there are a lot of headcanons because she's one of my favorite OCs)
Theme song: 'Could Have Been Me' - Halsey
Parents: Randy (father), Keith (stepfather), and Primrose Russell (mother)
Species: human
Race: Caucasian, Hispanic
Identity: cis female, she/her
Sexuality: lesbian
Current age: 11
Hair color: ginger
Eye color: turquoise
Personality: fiesty, clingy, shy, brave
Fun facts:
- Her full name is Arielle Milagro Harrison. Randy helped her pick out her name, but he wanted her middle name to be Spanish.
- She was born out of wedlock to Randy and Primrose, a woman who was in the same prison as Randy and had groomed him. For the first 6 years of her life, she didn't know her father, and she was subjected to all kinds of abuse. She was never allowed out of her mother's apartment and wasn't given adequate clothing or living space - in fact, she was forced to sleep in the hall closet. Primrose also often pimped out Arielle's body for money, and she started being molested from a very young age. Primrose didn't even give her a name.
- Arielle has Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the host of her system. Her alters are Darling (she/her, internal self-helper), Bruce (he/him, protector and trauma holder), Cam (he/him, little), Nyla (she/her, trauma holder), and H. (he/him, fictive). In the headspace, most of these people look like people Arielle has seen come and go in her mother's apartment. She also has an alter of Primrose, who's a persecutor, and an alter of her Uncle Sully, who's a protector and whom she developed later on. It took a long time for Randy and Keith to get used to it.
- When she was little, Arielle tried teaching herself to read by stealing her mother's old mystery novels.
- At the age of 6, Primrose decided to sell Arielle. But before she could do so, Primrose ran into Randy and led him back to her car, where she had told Arielle to stay put. Furious that Primrose was trying to sell him a child - moreover, his own daughter - Randy beat Primrose until she was unconscious and got Arielle out of there, bringing her back to his truck and driving away. All Arielle had was a small pillowcase full of a few meager belongings. Randy had never wanted to be a father, but he was never going to leave Arielle behind.
- Randy was the first person to treat Arielle with kindness. At first, Arielle didn't know how to process this and thought it wasn't normal, as well as being absolutely terrified of him. The life in Primrose's apartment had been the only life she had ever known, and she didn't know anything about the outside world. Over the next few months, Arielle learned to trust her father. And before she knew it, Randy and Keith had reunited and she had another father figure.
- Arielle is very close with both of her dads. Randy is more affectionate through actions than through words, and Keith is very gentle and understanding. She can also relate to Keith because his mother was also sexually abusive. Another thing, Randy and Keith heavily influenced Arielle's music taste, and she likes all the same things as them.
- Most of the time, Arielle is quiet and rather timid, but due to Randy's influence, she can be pretty fiesty. She also loves fire. She's encouraged to voice her opinion whenever she feels the need to.
- For her 7th birthday, Arielle was given her dead uncle's red beanie by Randy. She treasures it and wears it everywhere she goes, even when other alters are fronting. Randy can't help but see his little sibling in her, and it both breaks his heart and makes him proud. She even looks like Sully.
- Due to her mother, she had a Welsh accent for the first few years of her life, but it's starting to die out.
- She still misses Primrose sometimes, but she's eternally grateful that Randy rescued her. She wouldn't give up her loving parents for the world.
- For the first couple of months when she was under Randy's care, Arielle would sometimes try to take off her clothes when he got annoyed at her. Randy, feeling both awkward and heartbroken, would have to remind her that a parent assaulting their child is disgusting and not normal and that, despite his bad temper, he would never hurt her.
- She likes wearing oversized clothes because they're comfortable. She also likes wearing clothes from the boy's section.
- Keith gave her a dolphin plush that he had stolen on a supply run.
- When she was 5, Arielle accidentally dropped a mug because Primrose yelled at her. Furious, Primrose grabbed one of the shards and threw it right at the middle of Arielle's face. Arielle still has a scar.
- She has a lot of freckles.
- When Randy first found her, Arielle was malnourished and small for her age. But with his and Keith's help, Arielle has been putting on weight and has gotten taller. She had a big growth spurt when she was 10, and her parents suspect that she's going to be tall as an adult.
- When it comes to Chris, Arielle is rather intimidated by her, but they care about each other.
- She's terrified of both Jeff and her grandmother, Odessa. Odessa actually tried to kidnap and kill her once, but she doesn't remember because her trauma holders blocked the memory from her. She's also very intimidated by Liu.
- Randy and Keith sometimes tell her stories about when they were kids. She loves it when they do that.
- She's very close with Quentin, Troy, and the Adler family, who sometimes come to visit. She calls Troy Uncle Troy, and Quentin Uncle Quentin. She also sees Finch as an older sibling.
- Randy teaches her Spanish.

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