Ongoing relationships

Start from the beginning

Randy and Keith (they're a huge comfort ship for me)
Theme song: 'Fire on Fire' - Sam Smith
Status: married (eloped)
- childhood sweethearts
- soulmates
- asshole x concerned
- criminal x hopelessly devoted
- protective x overprotective
Healthy or toxic: healthy
Who fell first: Keith
Who fell harder: neither, both fell hard
Sleeping position: Keith will sleep halfway on Randy's chest with Randy's arm around him
Top or bottom: switches
Randy: "I'm so sorry, Keith."
Keith: "No, I'm sorry, I - "
Randy: "Just shut up and kiss me again, you moron!"
Pet names:
- Randy calls Keith babe, baby, pretty boy, lover boy, mi amor, mi vida, and teddy bear
- Keith calls Randy babe, baby, darling, dear, and my love
Fun facts:
- They met on the school playground when they were in second grade. Keith was sitting all alone, and Randy noticed him looking sad, so he went over to say hi. It was love at first sight for Keith, who thought Randy was an angel.
- Randy taught Keith how to skateboard.
- When they were still in elementary school, Randy asked Keith one day if he wanted to marry him when they grew up. Keith, flustered, said yes. They never forgot that promise.
- From time to time, Randy would sneak out of his house in the middle of the night to visit Keith, as Keith had a tree right outside his window. They would just sit up and talk.
- They started dating when they were 16, a year before the accident. Their first real kiss was in the rain under Keith's umbrella. They both had tears in their eyes.
- In high school, they made plans to run away together. It would eventually come to fruition, but definitely not in the way they expected.
- While they were still travelling together, Randy told Keith sometimes that he didn't deserve him and that he should leave. Keith would always respond by saying that he wasn't going anywhere.
- Safe to say, Keith is (healthily) obsessed. He's quite possessive and is also very protective. One of the reasons for this is that Randy was the first person Keith could truly rely on. He hates the idea of living without him, and he'll willingly attack anyone who tried to hurt him.
- Keith hates waking up in bed alone, so when Randy wakes up first, he has to wake Keith up, too.
- They have matching flaming heart tattoos.
- Randy is a huge flirt, and he's very good at it. Whenever Keith flirts back, his face turns bright red and he starts stuttering. Keith will just chuckle because Randy hates blushing like that.
- They love playing with each other's hair. Randy will sometimes make little braids in Keith's hair at the tips.
- When Keith has a flashback, Randy is the only person he'll let make physical contact with him, claiming that he'd rather feel Randy's touch than his mother's. Randy is also strong enough to pick Keith up, so whenever Keith starts shaking out of nowhere, Randy will simply pick him up and carry him to bed so they can cuddle for a while.
- Keith loves holding Randy's face in his hands so they can keep eye contact.
- When he's high or drunk, Randy can get very cuddly and clingy. He'll often latch onto Keith and they'll be cuddling in bed until Randy's either sober or asleep. Keith doesn't mind: he loves cuddles.
- Randy sometimes calls Keith a "sexy idiot."
- They share cigarettes.
- To be honest, they've always loved each other deep down, even when they were little and even when Randy tried to pass it off as platonic.
- Keith can be rather clingy. Randy can get tired of him, but he's a sucker for Keith, so he always gives in. Randy's also clingy, but he hates to admit it due to his tough guy act.
- Randy is more affectionate in actions than in words, while Keith is equally affectionate in both categories.
- The two of them have a little code: Keith says "mine" in Ukrainian, and then Randy says "damn right I am" in Spanish.
- Randy loves kissing Keith's neck, especially the back.
- Sometimes, Randy leans over to Keith and whispers something really dirty in Spanish. Keith never took Spanish classes, but he always recognizes Randy's tone, and he always goes red. Also, from time to time, Randy will smack Keith's backside out of nowhere, and when Keith turns around to look, Randy just smirks and licks his lips.
- They often sleep in each other's shirts.
- Keith likes sitting on Randy's lap.
- Randy proposed while the two were cuddling. They had had a long, stressful day, and they were sitting in silence until Keith said, "I'm so lucky to have you." Randy was about to ask why when he decided not to and pulled out an engagement ring he had stolen from a stationary store, which he had been keeping in his pocket. Keith was completely taken by surprise, but Randy told him, "Just say yes already, goddamnit," and Keith said yes.
- Admittedly, Randy isn't very good at speeches, but he really tried for his vows. And they were pretty good.
- They eloped when they were 26, a little over a year after they had reunited.
- They wear their rings around their necks so they're closer to their hearts, an idea that Keith came up with. Keith's engagement ring is silver with a black rose, and their wedding bands are simple black ones.
- Randy can get jealous quite easily. Like Keith is over him, Randy is also very protective of Keith. He particularly despises Keith's mother, Odessa, and has vowed to kill her slowly and painfully one day.
- Keith has written a lot of poems about Randy in his journals, but he's usually too shy to read them out loud.
- If he can help it, Keith is the only person Randy lets himself cry around. Keith is also one of the only people who can make Randy smile. Basically, Randy has a big soft spot for his man.

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