Magic Bullet

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Jax sat in class as he tapped his fingers on his desk, next to him, Scott watched as the teacher returned graded test, coming closer and closer. Behind him, Stiles leans forward to whisper. "If Derek's not the Alpha if he's not the one who bit you- who did?" Stiles asked, making both Jax and Scott glance back at him.

"We don't know." Scott said making Stiles sit back while "Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" he asked. "I don't know" Scott answered again before Stiles lead over his desk again, "Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha? He asked

"I don't know!" Scott said this time a lot louder than before making him sink down in his seat when he realizes everyone is staring at him. The teacher finally drops his test and he turned over to see a D-.

Stiles and Jax peered over at the grade and cringed slightly, "Dude, you need to study more." Jax says making Scott put his head in his hands, overwhelmed, "That was a joke. It's one test. You need help studying?" Stiles asked Scott shook his head. "I'm studying with Allison at her house after school." Scott said making Jax and Stiles smile proudly, "That's my boy."

"We're just studying." Scott said and Stiles scoffed and shook his head, "No, you're not." He said. "No, I'm not?" Scott asked as he raised his eyebrows, "Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house and squander that colossal opportunity I'll have you professionally de-balled. got is?" Stiles said

"Yes. If you stop with the questions." Scott said and Stiles nodded, "Done. No more talk of Alphas or Derek. Who still scares me." Said said


As Stiles was driving and Jax was in the drivers seat talking as Stiles look back at the road before someone suddenly walked out in front of them making Stiles quickly slam the brakes.

"You've gotta be kidding me. This guy's everywhere!" Stiles said as they both looked at Derek in alarm before he fell to the ground and they quickly got out as Scott ran over. "What are you doing here?"  Jax asked and Scott furrowed his brows, "Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked and Derek let out a few painful breaths before answering.

"I can't. It was a different bullet." He said making Jax furrow his brows slightly, "A sliver bullet?" Stiles asked, making Derek glare at him. "No, you idiot-"He started to say but he cut himself off with a groan in pain. "Wolfsbane?" Jax asked and Derek nodded. "Wait a second. That's what she meant when she said 48 hours." Scott said, making Derek look ay him. "What? Who said 48 hours?" He asked 

"The one who shot you-" Scott said and Derek sucked in a breath, a wave of pain rolled through him and his eyes flickered blue. "What are you doing? Stop that." Jax said panickily as Stiles glanced back at the growing line on cars behind them, "That's what I'm trying to tell you. I can't." He said.

Scott grabs him, struggling to keep him from falling to the pavement. Other students take notice, and horns start beeping behind Stile's car. Jax quickly helped Scott pull Derek up and over to the passenger seat of Stile's jeep.

Once they got Derek in he turned to Scott, "I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used." He said, making Scott look at him crazy, "How am I supposed to do that?" Scott said. "She's an Argent. She's with them." Derek said as Jax climbed in the back seat.

"Why should I help you?" He asked, "Because you both need me." Derek said as he Glanced at Jax then back to Scott, as Stiles climbed into the front seat. "Fine, fine. I'll try." Scott said and then turned to Stiles, "Get him out of her."

"I hate you so much for this."


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