Chapter {7} Destiny

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My thoughts were interrupted by a man who had just decided to walk up to me. He smiled, and I smiled back.

"Hi," he said with a bright smile. He had a fair complexion that brought out his dark blue eyes and messy mop of blond hair. He had this calming nature to him, and his American accent was definitely unique, a contrast to the thick Italian accent that I had come to love.

"Hello," I gave him a reserved smile as I quickly paced out of the potentially dangerous situation.

"Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. It's just that I'm new here, and I don't know my way around here, and you just looked more approachable," he explained.

"It's fine. So may I please know your name?" I looked into his deep blue pools, relieved that he was not done kidnapper, though that was not realistic as we were in a public space.

"Samuel, and you, my beautiful lady, are?" he asked in a fake British accent paired with a fake bow, making me chuckle and laugh, breaking down my walls.

"Destiny," I shook the soft hand that he had held out.

"Nice to meet you, Destiny," he grinned.

"Likewise. Sooooo...which class are you supposed to be going to now?" I awkwardly asked.

"I'm supposed to be in Physiology, taught by Ms Williams?" His brows were furrowed as he read out his timetable.

"Oh, surprisingly, I am also going to the same class so we can walk together. It's actually not that far," It was a surprise that the class he was looking for I was going to. Wow.

"Really?" His eyes lit up and his playful demeanour was back and I could hear the excitement in his voice and prominent accent.



"So she was like, 'Can I have your report'?" Samuel impersonated what I thought his mother sounded like.

"And I replied and said, 'I ain't giving it up'." He shrugged.

"She asked why."

"Then I replied and said, 'My friend borrowed it'. Here comes the nice part. 'He wanted to scare his parents'."

By the end of the joke, I was laughing uncontrollably, tears in the corners of my eyes. I took deep breaths before regaining my composure.

"Did that really happen?" I asked, still catching my breath.

"Yep," Samuel replied with a firm nod and a smile.

"My mom would've taken off her slipper and beaten me up," I said honestly.

I remembered when I was ten years old and I bullied a girl named Nosipho at school. My teacher finally called my mom after numerous attempts to stop the problem, and when she found out, she was so furious that she waited for me to return home. When I arrived, she took off her expensive slipper and beat me on my butt like nobody's business.

"Oh, is she one of those strict moms?" Samuel frowned.

"Not really. She just wants what's best for me, and a mother always knows what's best for her child," I smiled. After years of that incident, I learned that what happened shaped me into a better person.

"You speak so highly of your mom." There was a bit of sadness in Samuel's tone, which he hid behind a smile.

"As I should. What about you? Don't you think like that about your mother?"

"I used to, before she abandoned me, my dad, and my little bro, for another dude, not daring to look back." He said nonchalantly, but I could see the pain in his blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry." In situations like that, I never knew how to respond.

"No need to apologize. It's not your fault," he smiled.

Our class was over, so we were just conversing and getting to know each other. I found that he was a hilarious and kind-hearted person who I could just talk to and start laughing with.

We parted ways with a goodbye wave and a final joke.

I found Sienna in the hallway, eyes glued to her cellphone screen and earbuds in her ears as she slowly bobbed her head from the back to the front.

I knew calling her would be pointless, so I jogged over to her and covered her eyes with my hands.

She started moving her head before removing her earbuds, and that's when I let go of her. As soon as she saw me, she jumped into my arms, and we hugged like we were long-lost sisters.

"Girls!" My best friend called.

We turned to her as she rushed over to us. She pulled Sienna into a kind embrace. Yes, Thato had apologized for her attitude before, and now they were like two peas in a pod, which made me happy because maybe we could be like the three musketeers.

"So who was the handsome man you were just talking to? Laughing with, must I add?" Sienna asked in a suggestive tone.

"Which man?" Now Thato was curious. Myself with a man? Never in her wildest dreams.

"He's just a classmate that needed help going around," I replied honestly.

"Really?" They asked in unison.

And that's how my day went.

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