Harry giggled, "Lucy is so cute..."

"She's adorable," I agreed. "So tell me, Harry. You ready to learn more about reading and writing today?"

His brow furrowed, "Lucy?"

"She can stay in the kitchen or something," I informed him.

"All by Lucy's lonesome?" he gasped.

"You mean, 'all alone'," I chuckled. "But yes, she should be okay."


"I," I reminded him.

Harry sighed, "I... do not want to leave Lucy... alone."

Niall came sprinting out of the kitchen, having disappeared into it when Louis left, "I'll watch her!"

The kitten scrambled off of my lap at the sound of Niall's voice, diving towards the back of the couch and climbing up it nimbly. Harry was quick to grab the trembling kitten, pulling her close and crooning, "Do not worry, Lucy. Niall is nice... but Harry would not let you get hurt anyway."

The small kitten allowed Harry to hold her close, turning her back to the rest of us and curling up in a ball. Harry pulled his beanie from his jacket pocket and held it open for the small kitten, who immediately crawled into the beanie.

I grinned, "She likes small places, huh?"

Harry nodded, "And closets..."

"I heard about that!" I chuckled. "She tricked you, huh?"

"Lucy is so little... she fits in everything!" Harry shook his head in disbelief.

Niall plopped down on the other side of him, "Can I hold Lucy?"

"Niall," Harry whined. "You scare Lucy!"

Niall pretended to pout, but suddenly his hands flew out and he snatched the kitten filled beanie up. The tiny animal inside gave a loud meow of surprise, and Harry gasped as Niall crowed triumphantly, "Got her!"

"D-do not break her!" Harry shrieked. "Lucy is little d-do not break Lucy!"

Niall peered into the beanie, and Lucy probably was looked back, because the beanie squirmed and a hiss emitted from it, "It's okay Lucy... I'm nice."

"Niall!" I scolded. "That was a little rough..."

"I just want to hold her once," Niall pouted, cuddling the beanie close. Harry looked like he was about to murder Niall. His ears had flattened angrily into his curls, and he was puffing out his chest. He held out his hands for the kitten, but Niall leaped up and dashed away, "Five more minutes!"

"Niall!" Harry wailed. "G-give back Harry's Lucy!"

"Niall, love," I huffed. "Lucy isn't going to like you at all if you carry around like that..."

Niall had closed the top of the beanie, leaving Lucy's head poking out as he ran with the her away from his body. The kitten was now giving loud cries of distress, and Harry seemed to be growing more frustrated, "Niall is m-making L-Lucy afraid! S-stop!"

Niall pouted, setting the beanie down on the floor and letting the kitten dart out of it and then behind the book shelf. Harry flung himself to his knees by the shelf, sticking his hand behind it in desperation to get the kitten out. Niall stood in the doorway of the kitchen, pouting, "Why does she hate me?"

I stood from the couch and went to comfort Niall. I brushed my lips against his, and he flung his arms around me, nuzzling against my chest. A small smile formed on my face, and I chuckled, "She doesn't really like that you're part dog, I assume. But I like you..."

Uniquely Flawless - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry {Book2}Where stories live. Discover now