Chapter 219 - Shot heard around The World Part 2

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Chapter Cover: Erza holding dual pistols in her hands with a small smirk upon her face.

Horror in Era? Magic Council Headquarters Bombed by Unknown party

By Darion Stark

Yesterday, during the early hours of afternoon, the city of Era was shaken from it's peaceful atmosphere when explosion rocked the entire town. The Headquarters of the Magic Council, the symbol of stability and law in the magical world of Fiore was laid in ruins after two massive explosions. The blast had taken the lives of all nine Council members who had been in a meeting as well as hundred of other workers that were present within the building…

I stopped reading after that.

"That's horrible," Lucy said, "For something like that to happen."

I stared at the words in front of me and all of the warning that I've been getting so far. The warning we've gotten in the Sun Village about the Netherworld's Gate opening and then there is what Mui told me just a few hours ago now.

"Could Tartaros be behind this?" I said.

"You really think they'd attack the Council directly?" Levy asked, "I mean…I know what you guys went through in the Sun Village but it's barely being a day since you came back."

"They're the only Dark guild that had the means and power to do something like that," I said crossing my arms, "And everything that we've come across since then…it makes you wonder about what was really going to be unleashed."

"You're thinking about that Netherworld's Gate opening stuff," Gray said as he approached.

I nodded.

"Yes," I murmured.

"Even if it is Tartaros," Erza said, "I doubt there is anything we can do about it now. We hardly know anything about it, unlike the other guilds from the Balam Alliance."

As much as I hated the idea, Erza was right. We don't know much about Tartaros to do anything about what was just happening right now but looking at the picture that were upon the paper and seeing the faces of the Council members that were all killed. Some part of me, feel shock seeing Lahar's face among the deceased…

I don't see Simon anywhere, I thought, Let's hope he survived this mess. Kagura is going to be broken if he dies here…


8-Island Restaurant

It was a somber mood within the empty restaurant. Sakura Summers was dressed in her waitress outfit as she was placing the dishes back in their place with her Gravity magic thought her attention was drawn toward the newspaper that Mr. Yajima was reading. To hear what happened at the Magic Council was shocking. She never thought that someone will have the balls to actually do something like this.

"It's such a terrible tragedy," the old man said reading the paper in front of him.

"It's hard to believe," Freed spoke out turning his attention away from his cooking.

"I heard all nine members of the Council were killed instantly," Bickslow added.

"That's not the half of it," Mr. Yajima said, "they were also 119 other casualties. It's truly is a dark day."

"Guess it's a good thing that you left the Council when you did," Bickslow said turning his head toward him.

Sakura gave the young man a glance, "Tact is not something you're familiar with?"

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