Chapter 14

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Akaashi Pov

The guys walked out of the bathroom with scrubs on the nurse still hasn't came back with news about Bokuto and I was starting to become inpatient I know these things take time but still Suga seemed to read my mind because he got up and asked the nurse how was the surgery going

She smiled and looked at us

I'll go check but it shouldn't be much longer I assure you that you guys will be able to see him when he's out of surgery

Thank you

All of a sudden we heard a nurse over the speakers yelling Code RED it didn't sound to good based on the nurse face she excused herself before running in the direction towards the entrance what the fuck is going on here

A few minutes later we seen three gurneys with Iwazumi , Daichi and Sakusa they looked at us from their gurney's

They we're soaked in blood I can't tell Iwazumi was stabbed in his lower abdomen from the way he was holding his side and how blood kept coming out Daichi had his shoulders soaked in blood and Sakusa looked like he was stabbed in his arm and right leg

They we're pushed through the doors to the ICU.

I didn't have time to process what happened before Suga collapsed on the floor crying followed by a crying Oikawa and Atsumu

What the fuck happened last night that this went so horribly wrong half of the fucking house is in surgery and the other half are in tears covered in blood I need answers

I calmly walked up to Oikawa and wrapped my arms around him He sobbed into my chest it's hard watching my friends cry like this

Kawa I need to know what happened if you don't mind ?

He pulled away from me and wiped his face

After we noticed that Bokuto , Kuroo , Hinata and Kageyama we're gone we decided to finish the job when we thought everyone was dead Terushima came running out of nowhere with a gun pointed at me and Iwazumi threw me down and got hit in the process Daichi and Sakusa came to help but we're also shot until Atsumu killed him now we're here

I nodded my head I was still processing everything so much has happened in the last 24 hours it's hard to register it all

I took a deep breath before asking my question

So is it finally over ?

Yes it's finally over Akaashi

I sighed in relief and relaxed a little bit in my chair now all I gotta worry about is Bokuto and my friends getting better.

Please sit down guys you all must be tired when the nurse comes back to tell us we can see Bo I'll ask for more scrubs so you guys can change okay ?


We waited another thirty minutes before the nurse came to let us know Bokuto was done with surgery and being wheeled into his room

We thanked her before asking for some more scrubs for the guys.

I was shaking my leg with anticipation I wanna go but I don't wanna be rude and leave everyone while their waiting for their own boyfriends to be okay I didn't even realize Hinata talking to me until he tapped my shoulder

I snapped out of my mind and looked at him.

Yes Shoyo ?

I was saying that no one will be mad if you leave to go be with Bokuto Senpai so please go be with him will be alright I promise

I smiled he's so sweet

Thank you Shoyo Chan I'll be back later

I got up and walked in the direction where the nurse told me Bokuto's room was once I got to the door I took a deep breath before opening it slowly

Hooked up to a heart monitor and breathing machine was my beautiful boyfriend he looked so handsome even when he's all bruised and bloodied up

I looked over his body to make sure he didn't have any wires that will pull or hurt him if I laid next to him once I noticed that his right side was clear I carefully got into his bed and laid down next to him.

I laid my head on his chest lightly the light sound of his heart beating made me relax even more.

There was a knock on the door I looked and said come in

The Doctor came in with a clip board I sat up a little so I can talk to him

The surgery went well the bullet was able to be taken out without any sever damage all of his organs are in good shape nothing to worry about we put him in a medical induced coma he'll wake up in a week other than that he's fine

I smiled

Thank you doctor

No problem just be careful with laying next to him okay ?


As soon as the doctor walked out I laid back down i was very happy the love of my life is going to be okay

Thank god

I wrapped my arm around Bokuto's stomach before laying my head on his chest again his heart beat was the own sound I heard in the quite room

I'm not used to quiet anymore when I'm with Bokuto I'm used to the constant noise how am I supposed to survive a week without hearing his beautiful voice or laugh?

It hasn't even been a full 24 hours and I already miss the sound of his voice I felt my eyes begin to tear up

Bo please heal quickly....

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