Chapter 16

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Bokuto pov

After the pinky promise with Akaashi he called in the nurses to come unhook me from everything so I'll be able to talk and crap I seen a nurse with Auburn hair and brown eyes walk in her name tag read Akemi what a pretty name

Happy to see you awake Mr. Bokuto you got one hell of a partner and friends this one refused to leave your side for the whole three months you we're out now how about I remove the breathing tube first and will go through the rest of the check up okay?

I gave her a thumbs up

This might feel weird but I'll be as gentle as I can with you

I felt the tube slowly get pulled out of my throat I sighed in relief when it was finally over


You're welcome please don't try to push your voice it'll take time for your vocal cords to heal from having the tubes rub against them for months I'll bring you some water to see if that will help a little shall I tell you're friends and family that you're awake ?


No problem I'll let them know not to come in for an hour to give you and Akaashi some alone time now I'm gonna continue with the rest of the check up before I leave the room

I nodded my head

Please follow my fingers

I nodded my head again and followed the nurse's finger I wanted to blink when she flashed a light in my eyes but stopped myself

She turned the flashlight off and moved on to pushing around my shoulder / chest area

Does this hurt Bokuto ?

I shook my head

Can you move your arm up and down for me please

I lifted my arm up and down I felt a slight pain but it's nothing I couldn't handle

The nurse seemed to notice how I winced because she wrote something down before excusing herself.

I looked at Akaashi and he just shrugged.

I made grabby hands at him I seen him smile before climbing into my hospital bed and laying on my left side  I ran my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes he must be tired my poor baby

That's when I noticed the eye bags under his eyes and how his collar bones popped out more was he not eating properly while I was out ? My poor baby was suffering I reached for his phone on the table and put in the passcode I smiled when I noticed it was our anniversary still

I quickly typed what I wanted to tell him and showed him the screen he read it

I'm fine Bokuto San I promise there's no need to worry about me

I frowned and began typing again Once I was done I showed it to Akaashi again

His eyes began to water

Do you promise to still be awake when I wake up ?

I nodded my head and held up my pinky he wrapped his pinky around mine and smiled

Okay Babe I'll take a nap

I smiled and held him closer to me it only took a minute before he passed out I was running my fingers through his hair when the nurse walked back in with my water

I smiled at her as a thank you

She smiled back and placed my water down next to me before walking back out

I grabbed my cup with my free hand and took a few sips before placing it back on the table I wanted to move up a little but decided against it because the chances of waking up Akaashi was highly and I didn't want to wake him up he needed sleep

I looked around my room to see if there was any trace of my belongings but I came up empty handed I sighed and got an idea

I grabbed Akaashi phone and looked for Kuroo number I wanted to laugh when I seen Kuroo name on his phone

I clicked on it

Hey Kuroo Bro I got a favor to ask do you mind going to the mansion and bringing me some clothes and my charger also can you tell me where my phone is ? Love you bro thanks

I hit send and waited for a few minutes until Akaashi phone vibrated

Rooster Head : 😭😭😭😭 BOKU BRO I MISSED YOU of course man I was on my way to the hospital anyway I'll see you in a bit love you to bro

I missed you to Kuroo Bro 💕 thank you.

I locked Akaashi phone and put it on the counter 

I looked out my window to distract me for a bit I watched all the birds fly around outside for I don't know how long it must've been awhile since my nurse walked in holding a bag with my things

She sat it down you're friends and family have been informed on your status they are all waiting for you to give the okay to come in and see you

I quickly typed on Akaashi phone what I wanted to say so I can show her

When I was done I showed her the phone

Of course let me just grab them I'll be back

I nodded my head and waited a few minutes until Akemi came back with the ear muffs

I smiled and mouth a thank you

I slipped them on to Akaashi and gave her a thumbs up

I'll be back with your friends and family Mr. Bokuto

I made sure the ear muffs we're on properly before I heard my door open I noticed Kuroo and Shoyo we're the first ones to walk in the next two we're Kenma and Kageyama


I winced at his loud voice and was about to say something when Kageyama put him in a choke hold

Boke do you really think that Bokuto Senpai wants to here screaming when he's only been awake for two hours quite it down as you can see Akaashi Senpai is finally sleeping do you wanna wake him up from your loud ass voice I don't think so now apologize for being so loud

I wanted to laugh when I seen Shoyo bow and apologize

Man did I miss my friends .

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