Chapter 10

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Bokuto pov
After Breakfast

Akaashi still seemed upset a little I don't like my amazing boyfriend upset so I tried to comfort him in anyway I could

Agaashi what wrong babe are you still upset about everyone comments on my body ?

Yes I am I know it's childish but I don't like it you're not theirs you're mine and I don't like that they could see you're body only I should be able to see it.

Awww come here babe. I pulled Akaashi into a hug

I'll always be yours you're the only one for me I hope you know that our friends are just out there that's all but I promise you my heart belongs to you and only you ok.


I love you

I love you to Bo

I smiled

Is that a new nickname for me hmmm Aggashi ?

Maybe ?

Okay I'll have to think of a new one for you now

Okay :)

Come on let's go somewhere

Where to Bo ?

It's a surprise but wear something casual okay.


I walked out of Akaashi room and into mine so I can shower real quick and get ready for our date.

-20 minutes later -

I walked out of my shower and wrapped my towel around my waist I walked over to my sink so I can brush my teeth and hair real quick

Once I was done I walked out of my bathroom to get get dressed real quick I pulled one of my black v neck shirts and black jeans out once I was ready I headed to Akaashi's room.

I made sure to knock on the door in case he was still naked

Come in

I opened the door to see my beautiful Boyfriend in a grey v neck and black jeans with black and white vans he looked amazing he really did he could wear a paper bag and still be gorgeous to me

You look amazing Aggashi you ready to go ?

Thank you Bo you look amazing as well and sure

Thank you let's go

We headed to the elevator I pushed the down button once we got in I hit the Basement

Once the elevator stopped and made a ding we walked out and headed to my black Mercedes.

I unlocked my car and walked over to the passenger side so I can open the door for Akaashi

I seen my beautiful baby turn red before thanking me and getting in he's to cute for his own good I swear.

I closed his door before heading to the driver side I started the car and buckled my seat belt before backing out and heading towards Miyagi prefecture.

They have good food there and it's very small town no one knows me it's a good hour from here though I hope Akaashi doesn't mind.

We made small talk during most of the ride to Miyagi which helped the time go faster it's amazing how I'm still learning things about Akaashi that I haven't already known I guess the saying you never truly know someone is true.

He just finished talking about his favorite animals when I parked the car right out side a ramen shop.

I got out of my car and ran to the passenger side I opened up the door and helped my beautiful Akashi out once my car was locked we walked inside the ramen stand

The waitress greeted us and told us to take a seat where ever we liked

I found a booth in the back of the restaurant that seemed just perfect I took a seat on the left side while Akaashi sat on the right.

I already knew what I wanted so I didn't bother with looking at the menu instead I took the time to just admire my amazing boyfriend he looked so fucking cute it's not even funny.

After a few minutes of my looking at Akaashi I was broken out of my trance by the waitress I turned my attention to her

What would you gentle men like today ?

I looked at Akaashi and signaled for him to go first

He nodded his head before telling the waitress that he wanted Porkbelly miso ramen.

The waitress wrote it down before turning her attention to me

I'll take the Shoyu ramen please

Alright I'll be back with your orders

I handed her our menus before she walked away.

I turned my attention back to my stunning boyfriend how this man is mine I'll never know I'm so lucky that he is though.

What are you thinking about Bokuto San ?

Oh just how lucky I am to have you as mine that's all.

If anyone the lucky one it's me because you're to good for me Bokuto,

Am I really now explain Akaashi ?

I will.

For starters you're one of the most sweetest people I know , you're caring , loyal , honest , smart and down right sexy what's not to love about you Bokuto ?

A lot actually

Really name a few then ?

Ok how about I've killed people before ? Hmm or that I'm a sadistic asshole who loves to torture people just for the fuck of it sometimes I love when the blood from my victims spill on me it's so fun I've hurt people and their families Akaashi and there's no justification whatsoever for the shit I've done. And I'm so sorry that you're stuck with me forever because if you ever leave I'll have to kill you because you know to much already and you're a liability to us do you not understand that Keiji ?

I actually do Bokuto and I'll tell you again I don't care about the things you've done I still love you with everything I have Kotaro I never wanna leave you're side ever your stuck with me whether you like it or not so stop trying to convince me other wise ever since the first time I laid eyes on you I knew deep down you we're the one for me so please let me stay by your side for the rest of my life ?

My heart was beating out of my chest how can I tell him no I just couldn't

Anything for you Akaashi .

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