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I grumble to myself as I walk up to the big tree in front of the admissions office. Jungkook is standing there, appearing to be whistling as he still hasn't noticed me nearby yet. I, at least, expected to be here before him, and I'm 15 minutes early myself.

He must now be able sense my presence as he turns in my direction. He smiles at me, and it's actually very nice. I'll admit that he's cute, but he's so damn annoying. I make the quick decision to not be as much of an asshole today, so I muster up the best soft smile that I can.

"You're early." I observe

"So are you." He acknowledges. "15 minutes, in fact."

"How long have you been here?"

"About 45 minutes."

"You're weird." I roll my eyes, but it's humorous to him as he smirks. "Anyway, let's get this going. I'm ready to go home."

"You just got here." He narrows his eyes at me, and I intentionally look past his head and toward the building behind him. I've become more than aware of what those damn eyes can do. "But I respect it. Let's get it."

Jungkook sits on the grass as I set my tote bag down, reaching in and grabbing the blanket that I packed to sit on. I spread it out as best as I can with the breeze blowing and once I'm satisfied, I take a seat. I pull my notebook, textbook, and laptop from my bag now, setting it all up so we can get this project started.

I finally give my attention to Jungkook and notice he's already got his head inside the textbook. I sigh softly, thankful that he is ready to get this work done. Maybe this won't be too bad of a project.

"You had a whole blanket packed in your bag." Jungkook says, head still in the textbook as he flips a page.

"You're so observant." I do another signature eye roll as I open my notes. "I could do without itchy skin from the grass."

"That's pretty smart." He smirks. "I like smart girls."

"I'm not a girl, I'm a woman." I look up at him, very impressed that he's still paying most of his attention to his book. "Let's get that straight."

"A very pretty, smart woman with a sexy voice; I like that even more."

"Shut up." I mumble. I hate to admit it, but my stomach did a small somersault. "What you got going on in that book?"

We exchange the few things that we've looked up on our own and I get it all written in my notes, Jungkook doing the same. He continues his attempts of flirting with me, while I continue to dodge them. I don't have the time nor the energy to entertain any man's shenanigans, unless it directly benefits my success. I am building a career so that I am able sit at the top of the chain. That's my goal.

After working for who knows how long, my own shadow gets in the way of my notes and the sun has an awful glare on my screen. When I check the time to see that it's almost 8 p.m., I sigh in content. We've put in just about seven hours of work, and I'm satisfied with what we've got done together. Now I can walk back to my dorm and enjoy the sun setting.

Our first study session for the project wasn't horrible. I definitely could've done without all the mindless flirting, but I can say that Jungkook is good at getting some shit done. That's all I can say I like about him so far.

"Let's wrap this up." I speak. "We did good."

Jungkook nods, stretching his arms in the air while shooting me a sweet smile. "Awesome. So what's your major, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Business management."

"You must like numbers."

"Not even." I begin packing my things away, while maintaining conversation. "But that's where the money is."

He hums, nodding at my statement as he zips his backpack. "I'm undecided. I'm just taking whatever until I find what I like."

"I picked the most generic, just to get my degree."

"You take no shit."

"Glad you noticed."

I let my lips curl into the slightest smile that, if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss it. Unfortunately for me, he saw that.

"So you do smile." He observes, amusement in his voice. "I feel like I've just witnessed history."

"You are so annoying. You know that, right?" I grumble. "Yes, I smile. Consider yourself lucky."

Once I've got my things packed, I sling my bag over my shoulder as I watch Jungkook stand. My eyes accidentally catch his and we make eye contact for the first time today. I'm internally screaming as his gaze completely envelopes me.

"I'm not a bad guy, I promise." I hear being whispered in my ear and I instantly frown.


"What?" He repeats after me, mimicking my facial expression as well.

"You just said you're not a bad guy."

"I didn't say anything?" His face holds confusion as he speaks.

He's right. His lips never moved. I can't prove it, but I know what I heard. I'm not crazy, am I? Am I experiencing some dissociative disorder? Or am I just losing my mind?

I study his eyes, looking for any sign that I'm not losing it; I'm looking for an answer that validates what I'm feeling isn't just my imagination or anything wrong with me. I get nothing, other than the eyes that know me for me, strangely enough.

Jungkook clears his throat a little. "I mean, since you brought it up, keep that thought in mind. I'm really not such a bad guy. Get to know me a little bit, yeah?"

"No." I say defiantly.

"You don't want friends?"

"I don't need friends."

"I said want, not need." He challenges.

"Well, I don't want any."

"Not even just one?"

"Dude, I talk to my family seldom. I'm trying to graduate. I need as little distraction as possible." I say a little too openly. I reel myself in, taking a deep breath and feeling my shoulders fall with less tension.  "I'm gonna go."

"Let me walk you home." Jungkook suggests. "It's getting late."

"I'll be fine." All the while, he's had my eyes under his spell for I don't know how long. "I want a silent walk, and you're nowhere near silent."

He brings his hand to his chest with a small gasp. "Rude, but true. I can't help but to like you a lot. Promise to let me walk you home at least once?"

"Sure whatever." I finally get the strength to roll my eyes and I have to admit, it felt good. "Goodnight, Jungkook."

"Goodnight, Janae." He smiles with a small head nod. "Please let me know when you're safe?"

I feel my ears get a little warm, and all I can do is nod. I begin walking away from him and when I'm across the lawn a bit, I turn to look at him but he's already out of sight. Am I warming up to this guy? It's a strange feeling; I can't explain it. Such a peculiar guy Jungkook is.


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