twenty nine!- trust

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"Before I tell you, I want you to promise me that you will not be mad at me" eden wanted to make sure that after this conversation she would still be friends with the Jacobs boy.

"Eden your scaring me" karl mumbled, he honestly wasn't sure what to think anymore, right now he was thinking that he definitely does not want to make that promise, he usually didn't like getting mad with eden but if eden actually thought there was something worth being mad about then should he really promise this?

"karl please " eden whispered desperately, he could tell she was growing frantic and he could tell that she was practically on her knees begging at this point, so reluctantly he mumbled the words.

"i promise..."

"okay well.. ugh this is hard" eden exclaimed just wanting the words to fall easily from her mouth, but it just wasn't happening, she had no idea what she wanted to actually say, well, she knew what she wanted to say but she couldn't put it into actual words.

"karl i have cancer" she blurted out quickly, and karl had to take a second just to figure out what it was she had said, but when he finally had it all translated and he knew what she said he didn't know how to really feel.

he felt so numb, like all of the emotions he should feel had all fizzled out and gone on a vacation, he was actually angry, yet his anger was in no way directed at  he girl stood in front of him, it was directed at the universe, he was angry at everything because why did it have to be her, there is so many bad people, horrible  human beings who do horrible things, yet nothing happens to them, rather probably the kindest human on the planet has cancer, he was trying not to jump to conclusions, she might be okay.

"your joking with me eden, this has to be a mistake, they've messed up your scans or they diagnosed you wrong this has to be a mistake" karl muttered quickly, staring  down at his shoes, trying not to look up at her.

but eventually he did, he wanted to see her expression, he wanted to know that all of this wasn't some big joke.

when their eyes met eden saw karl eyes turn glassy, she really felt for him in these moments but he hadn't heard everything yet, she dreaded that moment.

"they can treat you, you can get surgery or something, and they have medicines and stuff, your gonna be okay eden" karl voice was thick now and he was trying to hold back his tears, he wanted to stay strong in these moments, because he couldn't imagine how eden was feeling right now.

"I've had surgery karl... i got brain surgery  to remove some of my tumour, but karl its never going away..." she mumbled, wincing in anticipation when all she was met with was silence.

"when- what? how" Karl's brain was on overload, how could he have not known about this, it really made him rethink everything, how many things was eden not telling him.

"i had had a seizure karl, in the grocery store, and they took me to the hospital and i got some scans, and they told me i had a glioblastoma karl and then i got surgery when i said i was in Mississippi , and i got chemotherapy recently" eden wanted karl to know everything, it was only now, seeing the look on his face did eden realize that she was never going to be ready to tell karl, she should've just told him in the first place. 

"who knows?" karl asked the question she had been dreading throughout this whole conversation, and in some ways she was glad they had moved out of the kitchen and into the main area of the warehouse, but then again she was worried that people were listening in and that this whole thing would go around the internet before she gets a chance to tell her friends and those who watch her on her own terms.

"i told dream, who came with me for surgery, and dream told george, Chris knew about my seizure so i told him, and Chris made me tell jimmy who told tareq" eden mumbled, glancing down in shame.

"you told all of those people, and you didn't tell me? I'm supposed to be your best friend eden, were supposed to be able to tell each other everything, no secrets remember?" eden could hear karl getting progressively angrier, "you said you wouldn't be mad at me" she cried out, upset that he was upset.

"that was before i found out that you went and got brain surgery without even telling me! you could've died! and id have to find out from dream" he exclaimed. and she saw his point but he was getting louder and louder and almost everybody was looking at them.

" can we quiet down, or go somewhere else" eden spoke quietly, trying to hold onto Karl's arm to lead him back into the kitchen but all that did was make him angrier and he shrugged her arm off roughly, which hurt a lot more than it was supposed to.

"no eden, i want to talk here, i don't think i can even trust you anymore, i want witnesses so i know your not lying to me again" her name sounded so sour in his mouth, like he was disgusted to even have to say it and instead of saying anything she just stood there as tears fell down her face.

"its so selfish eden, you could die and you'd just leave me sitting at home like an idiot waiting for you whilst your off being buried, you cant do that eden! I'm not your fucking parents" as soon as he said it he regretted it, and the anger fell from his face, he regretted his words but the anger still stayed buried away. but unfortunately, it was too late.

"eden..." karl mumbled, and she knew he was about to apologise, but she couldn't even be around him anymore, she stood and stared at him for a second, tears still dribbled down her pale cheeks, and she just stared, before walking away.

karl knew that eden was upset, not just because of the tears that he had caused but because of the way she had reacted, whenever they argue she always has some witty reply to his arguments, but she was silent, he had never seen her like that. he knew he had fucked up.

karl wasn't sure where she was going but he followed after her anyway, ignoring all of the stares from the contestants and their friends that had just witnessed everything.

eden walked up towards jimmy, she knew he had heard everything since as soon as she stepped foot in his sight, he had a pitiful look on his face, "i think I'm going to get an uber home tonight jimmy, ill be back tomorrow" she told him solemnly.

"i can take you home if you want?" Chris offered, "thankyou Chris, but i think ill just get an uber, i need some time to myself" she told him, smiling thankfully before saying her goodbyes while jimmy got her an uber.

karl would've gone after her but chandler had told him to give her some time and space.

as soon as edens uber got there she was out and karl just couldn't stand around and watch her leave, he had to apologise, so he ran after her, and just in time, when he got there she was just about to shut the door, but she paused upon seeing her best friend.

"eden I'm really sorry, you've got to believe me, i didn't mean it" he was out of breath, breathing heavily, and eden wanted to pity him, but after what he had said she couldn't bring herself to forgive him yet.

"i don't have to do anything karl, I'm going home now, ill speak to you later" and that was it, she had slammed the door in his face and her uber drove away whilst karl just stood there like an absolute idiot.

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