twenty one!- surgery

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its officially time for eden to go under, for the past two hours she had been talking to clay about everything she wanted after she dies, he was reluctant to have that conversation but who was he to deny a dying girl her wishes, because even if she didn't die in this surgery she'd be  dying later, probably in a year or so, but at least then he has everything written down, she had made him take notes.

And just in case it was her last day on earth she made one last tweet on twitter, if she died she wanted everyone to know how much she cares about them.

'I love you guys, if anything ever happens to me, just know that I care about you all <3' it was cryptic but not cryptic enough that she couldn't explain her way out of it.

But for now, it's officially time, eden had to go and get her head cut open.

"i'm scared" eden had tears dripping down her cheeks, clay held her hand fondly, not knowing what to do in this situation, he had never accompanied anyone before a surgery until now.

"Don't be scared eden, I'll be here when you wake up, I'll be here waiting for you, your going to get through that surgery without any complications and you are going to be absolutely fine okay, after the surgery when you get out, and you wake up, we'll start watching all of the phineas and ferb episodes just like I promised okay" dream reassured her, it had calmed her down enough that she had slowed her fast and heavy breaths.

Just as she was about to say something, her surgeon walked in and started talking to her about what would be happening during surgery.

After the long explanation it was time for eden to go to the operating theatre.

"Pray for me" she whispered to clay as she got rolled away down the hall. A tear fell down his cheek as he nodded, god did he hope she made it out there alive, its not her time yet, it can't be, eden isn't ready for that, nobody is ready for that yet.

dream slowly walked back to edens room, he had no idea what he was going to do for the four hours eden would be in surgery and the few hours after as he would wait for her to wake up, at least for now he would be respecting edens wishes and saying a prayer for her.

his praying lasted a few minutes, he wanted to make sure he did it right, he wanted it to be meaningful, he wanted it to work properly, he would have liked to pray for longer but he had been interrupted by the ringing of his phone, he had tried to ignore it at first, he was emotional and really didn't want to speak to anybody, at first he had thought it might be sapnap begging him to come home already, and then he thought it could be his parents asking him why he had told nick that he was visiting his uncle scott.

but to his surprise when he glanced at  his phone it was none of them calling, rather it was george. at first dream was picking at his bread to try and figure out why george would be calling him on his phone, usually they would call on discord and if neither of them answered they would leave eachother alone, so it was odd for george to call his phone.

but then it hit him, dream had promised george that he would help him code something for a video, dream had promised it a few days before he had driven up to north carolina, he would just have to speak to george about it, he couldn't do anything about it now, he could help code in a week, being with eden right now is much more important than some minecraft code that could be done whenever, and they probably wouldn't even play on the map for at least a few weeks anyway.

dream reluctantly answered georges second call, he really wasn't in the right mood to be doing this right now, he wasn't in the right mood to be arguing with george. he wasn't really in the mood to be talking to anybody, he just wanted to go to sleep, he wanted to get abit of rest before eden got back, he hadn't slept at all the night before because of edens worrying, he didn't mind of course, it wasn't the first time he hadn't slept all night.

"dream?" george asked, almost like he was making sure it was really him, even if he had been the one to call him in the first point, george was just shocked that he had actually answered, after the first call and the third ring of the second call he was about to give up on it.

"hi george"it was obvious in dreams voice that he was upset about something, either that or he was mad at something.

"i've sent you the code, can you finish it for tomorrow?" george asked, getting straight to the point of the call, "i cant george" dream said simply.



"but why"

"because george!" dream exclaimed, knowing that if he didnt do something then this would continue on forever, before dream could even say anything a nurse opened the door, giving dream a stern look and shushing him, dream apologised softly before actually listening to george complain about his tone.

"what is wrong with you today, you've been in a sour mood since i called you, if you didn't want to help me code you could've just told me straight out, it's fine i'll go, i don't want to keep you from whatever important things your doing" george said irritated with the blonde mans attitude.

"George i didn't mean it like that" dream sighed, knowing that his plan to get off the phone quickly would probably be going out of the window. "how did you mean it dream, i would love to know, because to me it seems like you just can't be bothered to code it"

"i'm not even in florida george, i have nothing to code it on"

"Oh..."   "well where are you" george questioned, not annoyed anymore rather he was just curious"

"okay well you can't tell anybody because i promised"  

Gone! ~ DsmpWhere stories live. Discover now