twenty two!- george...

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"why are you in north Carolina? are you going to see karl and eden, tell them i said hi" george told him, he wasn't at all surprised that dream was going to see the two, eden and him were always on the phone, and george was glad he and eden hadn't fallen out completely because of the mcc incident.

"well not exactly..." dream droned, was he really about to tell George this, its Eden's secret to tell, but if he knows that he's the only one who knows, he just couldn't live with himself if anything happens to her, he's sure that she wouldn't mind, after all its only George.

"What does that mean dream, what the fuck are you doing in North Carolina?" George asked suspiciously, if dream couldn't code for him like he had promised he just wanted answers out of him.

"You have to promise me you won't tell anybody, I've been sworn to secrecy but I really don't want to be the only person to know george, and if you promise not to tell then I will hold you to that, this isn't my secret to be telling, but honestly george it's eating at me from inside" dream quickly wiped his eyes, he hadn't realised how much knowing this was affecting him until now, and george can't do anything from all the way in england.

"Dream your scaring me, what's wrong?" George spoke cautiously, genuinely worried about his friend, yet he was curious too, he was actually quite intrigued, he knew it probably wasn't going to be anything good but he just couldn't help it, dream had piqued his interest.

"Eden has cancer George and she's getting brain surgery right now and I'm the only person that knows and I really can't do this George, she hasn't even told Karl about it" dream rambled quickly, well there's no going back now.

dream wasn't sure what reaction he was expecting from george, but it definitely wasn't laughter.

"Your joking? Dream you can't joke about that stuff, is eden there with you, I get that your trying to do some dumb prank buts it's not working"

Deja-vu, that was what dream was feeling right now, george was having practically the same reaction dream had- had upon being told the same thing.


"No, dream you can't say that, you can't just make stuff up like that" George huffed, angry that dream was saying this stuff.

Dream was silent, he honestly didn't know what to say, Eden would have known what to do and what to say.

"I'm being honest George, I'm in the hospital waiting for her to get out of her surgery right now" dream muttered solemnly, waiting for a response from George, but it never came.

Instead, all he got was the sound of george hanging up the phone, an unpleasant sound that he really didn't appreciate very much, dream had been really honest with george, he had told his best friend something that he really wasn't supposed to tell anybody in the first place and he hung up.

Dream probably wouldn't be telling Eden about how he had let George in on her secret, but it was practically eating him up inside, all he could think if is the possible outcomes of this surgery, he knew that there was a vast pool of results that could come from this craniotomy.

Eden's brain could swell, or she could go into a coma, she could come out of surgery with nerve damage or the brain of a carrot, worse case scenario is she doesn't come out at all, and he would feel so guilty, of course he knew that he hadn't actually done anything to feel genuinely guilty about, but he just couldn't bear the sheer weight that he felt being the only one aware of Eden's health issues, at least with somebody else knowing a small part of the pressure he felt had been lifted.

Dream was about to take a nap on the hospital chair, in attempt to forget about everything happening surrounding him, but before he could even get comfortable his phone was once again going off, yet this time he had a pretty good idea of who it may be.

He answered reluctantly, awaiting george once again arguing with him, he was waiting for george to start ranting about how unethical he was being, going around and telling people that one of their best friends has cancer, and an incurable one at that.

But none of that came, the call was silent, almost ominously quiet. Yet still dream waited, he waited until he couldn't bare to wait any longer.

"George?" It was such a simple thing, but he wanted to make sure that his British friend was really there, maybe the call had just stopped?

"Hi..." George muttered, and dream knew that George believed him, maybe his denial and reluctance to believe him wad just him saying that he didn't want it to be true in the first place, it was understandable, dream didn't want it to be true either, but here he was, sat in one of the most uncomfortable hospital chairs he had ever used, waiting for one of his best friends to get out of brain surgery. He just wanted this all to be some sort of fucked up nightmare.

He wanted to be able to pinch himself awake at any moment.

"Is she gonna be okay?" George asked hopefully.

"I don't know george... I really don't know"

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