seventeen!- why?

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eden had come up with a plan, it had been a week since she had been diagnosed with cancer and instead of telling any of her friends about it she had been devising a plan, in three weeks she would be getting a craniotomy, she knew none of her online friends would notice anything, but she would be gone for a while, surely karl would notice, he literally lives across the street from her, she would hope he would realise that she had been gone for over a week.

so she had constructed a plan, she thought it was actually quite smart, as unethical as it sounded when put into words it was a good plan.

it just so happened that edens craniotomy fell upon the same week as her brothers birthday, usually every year she would mope around for a week but this time she would decide that she was going to visit his grave. she was trying not to think about him too much.

So eden planned to tell everyone that she was heading back to Mississippi to commemorate her brother, it was a good enough story and eden thought if sounded pretty believable, it would give her the tight amount of time for her surgery and it would give her a few days to rest in hospital.

After that she would have to figure something else out, if push comes to shove she could always tell jimmy so she wouldn't have to lie about not being able to be in his videos.

Derek had told her that her recovery should take about 4-8 weeks, within that time she would probably have to tell her friends, Karl at least, he was the only person who could force himself in the house.

Hopefully by then she would be ready to tell her friends, but just in case she would probably hide the spare key so Karl couldn't find it.

eden wasn't even sure if she had fully grasped this whole thing, she was still finding it really hard to understand why she had been chosen for this awful illness, she was staying up at night trying to come up with reasons as to why, what had she done wrong, she had never been a mean person, she's never stolen anything, not even when she was a child and didn't know the full consequences of it. She had never done anything illegal, and eden always tried to do good for the world.

If she sees litter on the floor she would pick it up, she always donates to charity and if she ever sees anyone homeless she almost always tries to buy them a meal.

What did eden actually do to deserve this, why was it her, she had tried to be a good person, she believed in God, she occasionally goes to church, she sometimes prays, if God was the one deciding fate then what did she do to deserve any of this.
At this point eden was crying, she had been layed in bed all day and night, she felt so pathetic, there's so many people in the same situation as the one she was in right now, she felt so self centered for only thinking of herself.

Eden hated being alone when she gets like this, when she's alone she doesn't have anybody to distract her, and without a distraction her mind is able to run wild, and most of the time that wasn't a good thing, her head would brim with painful and guilty thoughts and when it did there's nothing she could do about it.

But before it could even start eden had pulled a blanket around her shoulders slipped on her trainers and had left the house.

By the time she made it across the street to karls house she was both out of breath and freezing cold and tears still streamed down her face. It was a pitiful sight seeing a sobbing girl knocking violently on somebody's door at three o'clock in the morning.

it took a good few minutes for karl to come and open the door, probably because he was asleep, but he had always told eden that whenever she needed him, just to ask, this wasn't the first time this had happened.

karl looked at the girl with sympathy, offering her a small smile, moving aside to allow her to come inside as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

the girl internally thanked him as she walked through the door, the first thing karl did after shutting out the cold was wrap his warm hands around her. eden leaned into his touch, partly because of the cold that she had been engulfed with outside, and secondly because karls hugs were definitely the best. karls hugs were her favourite.

after a while they seperated and karl tiredly led her up to his room, they were at a point in their friendship where neither of them was bothered if they slept in the same bed, nothing was awkward for them anymore. the two nest friends had sleepovers all the time, they had even bought each other toothpaste for their houses, and both eden and karl had some of their own clothes in the others wardrobe.

karl layed down first before pulling up the corner of the cover up for eden to climb in beside him, which she gladly did, happily resting her head on his warm chest, not minding when karl wrapped his arms around her waist.

"whats wrong" he whispered, her crying had stopped yet she still seemed sad, that's one of the things karl hated most, he hated seeing his friends upset, especially eden, sweet and innocent eden. karl wasn't a violent person but one of the only times he had ever hit someone was when they hurt eden.

he remembers that day like it was yesterday, they had gone out clubbing for one of their friends birthdays, and he and eden had been sat down the whole night, eden had never been big on drinking and he didn't want her to be the only one sober so he had refused to drink all night, admittedly it had been quite boring for both of them, neither were in the right mood to do anything, or rather, karl had broken his computer earlier in the day and was in a mood and eden didn't want to leave him alone.

but some guy had come up to them and asked eden to dance with him, eden had glanced at karl, telepathically asking him if he minded and since he didn't he nodded with a smile and let her go off and to the dance floor.

the night went on that way, eden danced, some of their friends joined karl to sit, admiring the smiling girl as she danced, but as the night went on her dance partner seemed to get more and more drunk, and by the time the night was almost over he was begging her to come home with him, pulling at her wrists to get her to come, she had of course told him not, she had been begging him to stop but he was being stubborn.

and that was when karl interfered, he just walked up to them and punched the guy right in the face and he would do it again in a split second.

he'd do anything for that girl, and that included waking up to open the door for her at three in the morning.

eden shrugged, not really sure how to answer his question, 'what's wrong', she always wondered why nobody ever asked people what's right in their lives, its a much better question, everyone would rather tell someone about the good things going on rather than the bad, eden knew that she did, she definitely didn't want t o talk about the bad things, so instead she started talking about the good things, which wasn't a lot because right now the bad things definitely outweighed the bad.

"are you going to be doing mcc?" she asked him, leaning into his touch as he stroked his hand t6hrough her hair, in a means to try and comfort her.

"yeah i am are you?" he replied nonchalantly, he had always enjoyed the little chats they had like this. "yeah the teams were announced today, were with george and dream, so just know that we'll be third wheeling the whole time" she joked, trying to hide her worry for the upcoming mcc, she didn't know when her brain would try to fuck with her.

karl laughed with her, they spoke about meaningless things for a while, eden was happy, karl was happy what else could go wrong now.

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