two! - before the video

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"Edennn, wake up, we have to get to the hospital Jimmy told us to meet him at" Karl said, brushing a stray hair out of her face.

Karl had been awake for a while, he did try and wake Eden up but she just looked so tired so he let her sleep, but now they were cutting time short, they had to be there within the next 2 hours and it was an hour drive to get there.

Eden groaned into her pillow before rolling over and looking in Karl's direction, he smiled down brightly at her.

Eden woke up with a headache, it wasn't overly painful but it was still uncomfortable for her.

Once Eden had finally gotten out of bed She brushed her hair and teeth, she only put on light makeup so it didn't look over the top for the video and she didn’t particularly like the feeling of caked on makeup on her face.

She changed quickly, deciding she liked her outfit enough to post it on instagram, it wasn't anything special but she liked the simplicity of it.

She changed quickly, deciding she liked her outfit enough to post it on instagram, it wasn't anything special but she liked the simplicity of it

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liked by sapnapinsta, chandlerhallow and 423,978 others

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liked by sapnapinsta, chandlerhallow and 423,978 others

"I like your outfit" Karl told her after she walked down the stairs yawning into her hand, Karl had no clue how she was still tired.

"Thanks, I really like your top," Eden commented, motioning towards his black top which really suited him.

After Eden had eaten her cereal they left, Karl seemed extra excited for this video but Eden wasn't really sure why, she did ask him but all he said was that he really liked hide and seek, Eden of course knew he was hiding something from her, but he seemed excited so it couldn't be anything bad.

As promised, Karl drove him and Eden to the abandoned hospital that Jimmy had told them to meet at, somehow he managed to miss a few turns along the way which made them a bit late, it wasn't by much but it was enough to have to call Jimmy while they were ten minutes away.

Jimmy didn't mind all that much, he just said to make sure not to do it again, and told them to maybe use Google Maps next time.

Today was Eden's turn to play music. Karl loved Eden's music taste, most of it was so calm unintentionally but then there was the odd loud song that's equally as good as the rest.

"Can I borrow your jacket, the one in the boot?" Eden asked, she had forgotten to bring a jumper or coat. 

"Oh yeah, sure, I'll grab it when we get there," Karl said, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music.

Before they knew it, they were at the abandoned hospital, they could see Jimmy in the distance showing someone where to fly a drone over the building so he could get a good shot.

Karl grabbed Eden his jacket which was just a zip up jumper, Eden thanked him before putting it on, deciding to leave the zip undone.

They walked quickly over to Chris who was talking to Chandler and Nolan about something that seemed extremely suspicious but Eden decided not to pry and just waited a few metres away for them to finish.

"Oh! Eden, I was wondering, could you maybe go and get me a water from inside" Chris asked rather suspiciously in Eden's opinion but she agreed nonetheless.

Walking inside she was looking at her phone, she was playing piano tiles, not really paying attention to anything around her, making it pretty easy for her friends to follow behind her with a camera without her realising.

Once inside she walked towards a table where Jimmy had set up food and water for the crew. She picked up two bottles, one for herself and the second for Chris.

Before she could leave to give Chris the water she was met with none other than one of her best friends, Sapnap.

To say she was shocked was an understatement, she had no idea he was in NC and also had no clue that he would be filming with them today.

Her reaction was priceless, and her friends were glad they got it on camera.

"AHHHHHH" Eden screamed as she had been jump scared by somebody grabbing her foot from under the table which was covered by a tablecloth, her immediate reaction was to scream and kick whatever was under the table.

"Ughhh" the weird table person groaned after he was kicked in the chest. He slowly lifted the table cloth and crawled out from under the table.

"Sapnap?" Eden asked, shocked before realising what she had actually done.

"Heyy Eden" Sapnap stood up from where he was on the floor while he rubbed the area on his chest where she had kicked him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay, I can't believe how stupid I am" Eden began to rant but was cut off by sapnap pulling her into a hug, completely forgetting about her previously kicking him.

"Hi Eden" 

"Why are you here, not that I'm upset but you could have told me" Eden said, letting out a few happy tears, realising that one of her best friends was in the same room as her.

"We all wanted it to be a surprise for you" he replied, pulling her into a well-appreciated hug.

"Wait–" Eden said, finally pulling out of the hug and turning around now realizing that this was all being filmed.

"You knew!" Eden exclaimed, pouting at them, they couldn't help but snicker at her childish yet adorable face.

Chris nodded proudly while Karl and Chandler were losing it, laughing incredibly loudly at the look on Eden's face.

"Wait, when did you get here?" Eden asked, turning towards sapnap, tareq had finished filming since Jimmy only wanted a small clip of the surprise for his video.

"A few days ago, I've been staying with chandler, we thought you'd notice, you almost saw me the other day when you went to Chandler's" Sapnap laughed, they had all sat down now, each of the boys took a seat on the sofa near the jail that had been set up for filming and Eden decided to sit on the floor between Karl and Sapnap.

"Oh yeahh, you almost walked in on Sapnap in the guest bedroom" chandler chuckled as he recalled the day.

Before they could even discuss the almost ruined surprise, Jimmy walked in, announcing he was ready to start filming, he had been speaking with the other people competing and giving them a run down of what was gonna happen, the rules and such.

A/n: thankyou so much to BoredZoe for editing this form me, it's so much better<3

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