Office | 4

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Raeya : 4
Characters included : Jungkook, Raeya, JaeHyun


"Dubadu wari wari~" Raeya sang softly while watching TXT on her dad's phone. She was sitting in his office and quietly enjoying the music while Jungkook worked on his laptop.

She put the phone down after a while and jumped down from the couch. "Daddy?" She called out, catching Jungkook's attention. "Hmm?" He hummed without peeling his eyes off the bright screen.

"Uppies" She says, making grabby hands. Jungkook chuckled and brought her up to his lap and leaned back on the chair. "What does my little one want?" He asks, caressing her hair.

"Kissy!" She squeaks excitedly. Jungkook laughs and presses a soft kiss on her little lips.

"Now let daddy work, okay?"

She hummed and adjusted her position on his lap and snuggled into his broad chest. She pressed her lips onto his bare forearm and blew, making a farting sound.

She burst out into fits of giggles and laughter while Jungkook just smiled softly. Suddenly the door slammed open, creating a loud bang, and a person entered the room, making Raeya flinch. "Appa, mind if I crash here for a while?" JaeHyun or Hyun for short asks as he burst into his father's office.

He sighed, looking at his son, and nodded. The high schooler smiled happily and plopped himself down on the couch.

"Hyunnie..." Raeya waddled towards him with open arms. She tries to hug his leg but was pushed back by him. "Don't touch me, you little twerp!" He groans arrogantly, earning a glare from his father.

"Jeon JaeHyun..." Jungkook's voice went dangerously low. Jaehyun groaned loudly and rolled his eyes before patting his sister's head with his fake affection.

"I am sorry" He mumbles, words not even coming out properly. "Is okay!" Raeya jumps on her spot before climbing on the couch and sitting next to him.

She pushed her legs apart and leaned her head back on the couch with her hand on her forehead and an annoyed look on her face, mimicking her brother.

"God, how does Appa deal with you and your stupidity?" He mumbled under his breath. "Hyunnie~" She cooed as she climbed on his lap.

"Get off, you're annoying me" He snaps angrily at her, but this time, he said it so only she hears it. She stuck her tongue out "No~ RaeRae will not 'eave hyunnie awone" she says stubbornly as she snuggles in his chest.

Just like she did to Jungkook, she blows air onto his skin with her lips pressed against it, making a farting sound. That caught JaeHyun off guard because he ended up pushing her off his body and onto the floor.


The corners of her lips drag down into a pout as she lets out a loud cry "Daddy!"

Jungkook got up from his seat and rushed to help her up. He glared at his son and thundered "What's wrong with you, Hyun?"

He gulped as he stood up and faced his father with guilty eyes. "Nothing... I'd just like to have my personal space without some rascal coming into it" He mumbled the last part under his breath while glaring at Raeya.

She whimpered and hid her head in Jungkook's thigh. "Say sorry and makeup with her right now. If I see you mistreating your sister one more time, I promise you hyun, you will regret it" Jungkook says in a cold tone.

JaeHyun rolls his eyes before pulling Raeya away from Jungkook. He carried her in his arms and kissed her cheek "I'm sorry" It was obvious he didn't mean it, and Jungkook could see right through his lies.

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