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A loud cry sounded through a sterile white hospital room as a blond woman screamed in what seemed to be anger at her husband. She glared at him as water dripped from her brow a creas forming from the effort it took to push.
"You're doing great Mitsuki, just a few more pushes and you'll have our first baby out!" The level headed brunette said holding her hand and genitally dabbing at her forehead with a white hospital rag.
"Says you. The brats are already causing me problems!" The woman yelled. Though she was actually behind all the pain extremely ready to meet her two babies a boy and a girl. She was hoping at least one of the two would be as level headed as her husband, Masaru. She gasped and ground her teeth grabbing onto and tightly gripping his hand as a particularly strong contraction hit, pushing with all her might a scream ripping from her lungs. She felt a sort of pop give way down below followed by what could only be described as sheer agony and relief at the same time.
"Good job Mrs.Bakugo the baby's head is out so one more pushes and you'll be meeting them." A small doctor said from between her legs there to help bring their family into the world. Mitsuki pushed with all her might, and as she did she felt the small body leave her own. Soon the room was filled with sharp stinging cries of a newborn.  "Congratulations your first born is your son!" The doctor exclaimed. "Mr.Bakugo would, you like to cut the cord so that we can check him over?" She asked holding the small crying boy up in a small blue sanitary towel that they kept in the room. Masaru walked to the end of the bed with a nervous gant looking at the doctor for the first real time that day having only been concerned with his wife. The doctor, a slim woman with glittering golden skin and brilliant yellow eyes, showed him where to cut before handing the babe to his mother. She stared down at the small babe in awe before another contraction hit her.
"Masaru take this brat before I give birth to his fucking sister!" She suddenly hissed out in pain not really wanting to let her baby out of her arms, but afraid and unwilling to hurt his fragile body while still in active labor. A nurse, male with bubble gum pink hair and dark tan skin stepped up to take the child as her husband returned to her shoulder side. "Get the fuck away extra only my mate can hold my pup!" She snarled at the man. His rose quartz eyes widened as he tried to explain to the new mother that he needed to wash the child and give him a check over, to no avail as she loudly growled before handing the babe to her husband. Masaru always the level headed one felt the strong need and desire to protect them small one in his arms. He, himself did not like the idea of handing over the small child who hadn't even opened his eyes to the word, only just having hushed as he was handed over to his father. 'What a way to start your first day, being called a brat as your mother yells at those around her' he thought with a smile before reluctantly handing the babe over to the nurse who thanked him as Mitsuki yelled cuss words across the room. He gave a small apology much to his wife's displeasure before reassuring her that nothing was going to happen to their son. All too soon she felt the now familiar pressure that came with the need to push and ground her teeth as the doctor instructed her that, yes it was in fact time to push again. Within three minutes small whimpers of the smaller twin, a girl, filled the room. She cried softly much different from the loud cry of her brother. Again Masaru cut the cord but this time instead of being handed straight to her mother she was taken away by a different nurse To be checked over before Mitsuki could refuse as the young one was much smaller, which did cause some concern for the doctor, than her elder brother. It didn't take long, though as Mitsuki would tell her son for years to come otherwise, for her to deliver the shared placenta, and the babies to be checked over and given a good bill of health the boy weighing in at just over 4 kilograms, and the girl 3 kilograms exactly. So startlingly different in size.
The two parents held the two babes in their arms feeding them as a knock sounded on the door. After a few seconds it opened to show a young man in a nurses uniform he had crisp white hair jelled back, and grey eyes. He explained that due to the girls smaller size the lead pediatrician would like to run a few more tests to make sure that everything was as it should be. Mitsuki now calmed down from the adrenalin of giving birth agreed but asked for just a few more moments to name her and her brother. He agreed and shut the door to give them their privacy for a few moments. The babes opened their eyes to look up at their parents in wonder.
"I think I want to name this brat Katsuki, it stands for victorious, and the moon. I want to name him that because I know he will always win in the end. He will be victorious and he reminds me of the night, for some reason. Heh, the brats got my eyes, that means he's gonna be like me doesn't it." She laughed as an after thought.
"I think that's a wonderful name. Our little girl has different colored eyes one red like yours and one a mix of steel blue and neon green. I think I want to name her Haru, meaning sun or sunlight, so that her name is similar enough to Katsuki though they are opposites of each other." Masaru said looking at the small girl in his arms. She grabbed at his hand as he pulled the bottle away. Amazed by the moving shapes. The same nurse as before then walked in smiling and asking if they were ready. Masaru smiled and nodded.
"What are the names then so I know what to call this little one." He said in a feathery voice as he was handed the small one wrapped in pink.
"That's Haru, and our son is Katsuki." Mitsuki said staring at the breath taking sight that was her son in her arms. She already felt like they were both her world.
"Alright well I'll be back with little Haru in little to no time." He said his mask  hiding a vicious smile behind it as he walked out of the room, out of the maternity ward pushing the now sleeping babe under his coat and straight out of the hospital to a sleek black car that awaited him.

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