"Jennie, you better not be flirting with another girl or even a man right now" i spoke to myself slightly gritting my teeth together, imaging my girlfriend having an affair with another person

Kring!!... Kring!!...

I looked at my phone to see who's calling maybe it's Alfred thet might be here now, but that's fast if they are, i look the caller ID and sees that it's not Alfred but Jennie, i raised my left eyebrow but a smile is forming on my lips, i immediately pick it up, excited to finally hear my wifey's voice but got disappointed and angry when i hear not Jennie's smooth and husky voice but another female voice with an American vibrato it's sounds familiar but it doesn't help me at all to contain my anger so i fired a lot of questions asking who the fvck is this woman having the guts to use my lover's phone.

"Who the f*cking hell are you?!! Why do you have my girlfriend's phone?! And where is she!?" I bombard questions to the woman on the other line

"Woh their calm down Rosé no need to get aggressive sweet gurl! It's me Tiffany, Jennie's sister we never met face to face before but it's me honey i know you'll be able to recognize my voice after this, by the way i need you go here right now in the bar or club or I don't fvcking know too! It's where Jennie is working, i hope you know where it is but if you don't i can send you the address, but anyways be sure to get here as soon as possible Rosé!!" Oh now i recognize the woman it is indeed Tiffany unnie's voice but why is she the one holding my wifey's phone right now? And what does she mean i need to go there right now?!

"I know where is it but, is there anything i should know to why are you asking me rushed and go there hysterically? Did something happen to Jennie?! Please tell me she's ok, was she hurt gosh please tell me that she's not in pain right now" I ask now panicking and feeling guilty for even thinking of her cheating on me that i know she wouldn't do or even think about, I'm such a bad girlfriend

"Yes please come here right now, we need backups, a group of gangsters is here in the bar earlier and they ordered something and it just so happens that Jennie is the one to serve them, but a man tried to touched her while she's putting their orders down on the table but she quickly sees it so she she of course well punched the man but it became too violent when the man gives her two blow in the face, please Rosé come here right this instance, i really can't do anything cause even the owner of the bar is afraid please help Jennie, I know your family have connections everywhere, the boss of the bar won't do anything" my world crush down to what i have heard, i couldn't help a chocked cry to escape my lips, my whole body shaking from too much worry but i try to stay strong i need to get together Jennie's in danger right now i need to stay strong i know she can kick everyone's ass but still what if there's too many people that's truing hurt her there and o gosh, Tiffany said that she got beaten in the face, please don't let anything bad happen to her

"'sniffs' ok I'll be there soon, please update me if there's something that i need to know more, and please don't let anything happen to her, at least assist her" I begged now crying

"Ok please be safe on the way I'll help her as long as I'm breathing" she says then cut the phone immediately

I give myself a long pause to compose myself then i changed my clothes to a more comfortable one to able to fight more easily, i put on Jennie's black Calvin Klein big T-shirt and my very own black pants and finally a black boots not too high but certainly hurt balls perfect, I look outside the window  when i heard a loud beeps of car and there they are Alfred and my most loyal bodyguards, smirk outside but deep inside I'm still shaking and worrying for Jennie's safety but i need to be strong so that i can protect her too.

I go outside and sees Alfred already waiting for me with his left hand holding the handle of the car waiting for me to go in, while 3 black cars is at the back of the main car, making a circle protecting it from anything that may try to get close.

Love You Unconditionally {Chaennie}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant