AWOOGA!!! (male ver.)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Really!? You had a dream about us? But you haven't even seen all of our anatomy, how could you know?" Questions come from him like water from a faucet. 

"Well my brain kinda filled in the blanks, I doubt any of it was correct." God why is he so warm! 

"Well I'd be happy to show you… if you're willing." What I assume to be Veta's cheeks darken, and his eyes glance away from mine.

'Wait did he just ask what I think he did?'

"Y- you mean sex! Or something purely educational?!" I can't help the panic in my voice as my hands press against the hard planes of his chest.

"Is there really a difference?" Veta cocks a brow and leans back. 

My hands go clammy and I can't seem to look him in the eyes. Damn why is this so hot!? I mean he's a fucking alien! But he's also sexy! And I want to sleep with him! I want to sleep with him?

Veta must've smelled my panic,  as he places a reassuring hand on my forehead. "You may be our mate, my mate, but you are not obligated to sleep with us. That is for you to decide." 

"I do- I really want to, it's just new. And you're a literal alien." Me and Veta both chuckle.

"True, but you are also alien to me." A clawed hand cups my cheek, letting me rest my face on it.

"I guess."

"So is that a yes? Because if not you should get off my lap." Veta grumbles as his breathing goes heavy. 

"I- yes. Yes I want you." Despite my claim the embarrassment gets to me, making me press my face to his chest again.

A loud and powerful purr erupts from Veta shaking his whole frame, and me. The vibrations send little sparks down my spine making me shudder. Veta slowly lays down, bringing me with him. We lay for a moment, I don't know what Veta has in store for me so it's best to be prepared.

'Oh god I'm going to sleep with an alien!'

"I can smell your fear." Veta runs his fingers over my scalp, "there is no need to fear I have you, and I will protect you." 

"Thanks." I close my eyes enjoying the moment, right before they snap open.

Vetas hands wander under my shirt and up my back. His textured hands feel soft and strong, the way he presses into my muscles relaxes my whole body. Shivers run up my spine when he grazes over the scar from my fight with Zeke. But I shouldn't be the only one being pleased, right? Rummaging around for Ideas I land on a memory, a very odd memory. 

With steady hands I make my way up to one of the dreadlocks that has managed to escape his bun. Unlike Ayull and Bahtoh, Veta has very, very, long dreads. When he lets it down it reaches his thighs. Taking a breath I slowly run my hand down the appendage. It doesn't feel like how I thought, it's soft and leathery, almost squishy. I feel Veta shudder under my hands. Pulling and groping the dread as if I was massaging him seems to be the trick. 

"Roll over for me." Veta asks, his voice seems heavier, huskier.

I rolled over, my back now pressed against his chest. He moves his knees between my thighs to keep them open, the heat from his body is soothing, but this position is quite compromising. 

"Will the others be ok with this?" I glance up towards Veta's beautiful face. 

"I'll never hear the end of it from Bahtoh." He snickers as his hands return to massage my belly. "But they will understand. In fact we planned on only taking you one at a time for a while, so we don't overwhelm you." 

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