"You there, you're finally awake" - Skyrim

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》Y/N pov《

I'm waking up, the lights in the room are becoming subtly brighter. Usually I would protest, ask for "five more minutes", or ignore it and keep sleeping. But the knowledge of where I was, and who I was with, brought me back. Sitting up in the nest of blankets and furs, I looked around the room. The same as yesterday, bare walls, cold floor, comfortably warm air. 

My body felt rejuvenated, although sore. Muscles ached, bruises everywhere, and the bandage was starting to feel gross. Barry's dog tags felt warm against my neck. But that was the best goddamn sleep of my life! Running my hand over the materials, I felt the different textures. Soft leather like scales, cloud like fur. I could fall asleep right here right now. But I'm getting hungry, my stomach gurgled and turned. I really need to eat.

Just then the door opened. Red was back, his helmet adorned with creature jaws, and strange trench coat were now clean. All the mud and blood gone, as if it was never there. He entered the room slowly, until the door shut behind him. Kneeling down, about three feet away, he brought out a bag from under his jacket. Is that?

It's my bag! From the little convenience store, and it still has the food. Looking up at him I found he was staring. His shoulders bounced, and a strange grumble came from him. Is he laughing? Nah more of a chuckle. He came closer, presenting the bag. 

"Eat" was filtered through the helmet.

I took the bag from him, practically snatched it actually. I was too hungry to be patient. Red did that same chuckle thing, and watched as I opened the bag. All of my items were still there, though slightly crushed. 

"Did you poison this?" I know it's unlikely, but still something to be worried about. 

"No-poison" Red stated," safe-Eat."

Glancing between him and my food, I couldn't see any tell-tale sign of lying. Opening one of the packages I couldn't stop. It smelled as good as cheap convenience store food could. Red watched me as I ate, intense purring commenced, and he kept tilting his head every now and then to read a label. After finishing most of the food I stopped, better to save it for later than starve again. He straightened up when I looked back at him.

"Thank you" it's a common courtesy, whether or not he knows what it means is beyond me.  

He simply nodded then stood. My god he's tall! In the light of the room, and not being half scared to death, I could take in more of his appearance. His helmet had a reddish hue, all of his armor was dark and in earthy tones. His 'skin' beneath that was various shades of browns and reds, I could see patches of scars that his armor didn't cover. This alien is built, and ready for combat. 

"Follow-medicine-Heal" he said while holding his hand out for me to take. 

He led me through the halls back to the medical room. Green was still there, preparing more bandages and cream. He looked up when we entered the room, making a high trilling noise. 

"Up" was all the warning I got from Red, before he lifted me back onto the table. 

'At least he warned me this time'

"Arms-up-shirt-off" Red ordered, already trying to lift the shirt off. 

After we removed the top, Green came around to my back. His hands were warm, and gentle, as they traced the top of the bandages. Looking for the end. When he found it he slowly unraveled it from my chest, passing it back and forth with Red. When the rest came off, out of instinct, I covered my chest with my hands. Red and Green paid no mind, as they began chirping and trilling to one another. They were talking. 

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