16 - Frederick

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It was morning now. The camp was quiet, and the City was quiet. Even the morning birds decided to sleep in. Even the flowers, morning glories, stayed hidden.

The Union was shattered, none of them were able to sleep. Their quarters were not as clean as they were meant to be, and they all sit around with no purpose. Their leader...was gone. She was like a mother to all of them.

No one dared to enter the Flagship. They left them alone. However, Echo and Gate agreed there was little time left to grieve. They needed to attack soon. They needed their home back.

Echo walks into the cargo hold. Everyone looked at him. Frost stands up, holding his shoulder. He walks over to Echo.

"What's going on?" Echo asks softly.

"We...they want to leave.."

Echo opens his mouth to say something, but stops himself. He then speaks again.

"You're sure?"

"That's what they say sir..the Commander, she kept us together....without her..."

"I know....I know. Where would you go?"

Frost looks down at the ground.

"That's what I've been asking sir."

Dolos opens his eyes. He looks up at his watch, it was early. He stands up and looks over to the other side of his tent, Brutus wasn't there. Usually he was the one to wake her.

He pushes his way out of the tent, and sees Union crates scattered and put into dropships.

Looking over towards the edge of the hill, he sees Brutus and Gate, talking. He didn't want to bother them, so he sat down on one of the lone Union crates.

He takes the time to examine the Union's work. They were leaving, of course. He guesses they weren't to blame. However, in times like these, then leaving could be the end of it all.

Dolos' thoughts are interrupted by Gate, who put his hand on his shoulder.

"She wants to see you..." He says, his voice crackier than usual.

"Okay." Dolos stands up and walks to Brutus.

He approaches her quietly.

"You needed...me?"

"Yeah...we..I need to talk."

"Well what is it?"

"I want to leave. All of it."

Dolos' heart sinks into his chest.


"I don't want to go on anymore..." She starts to cry.

"What about me? You'll stay with me..?"

Brutus looks him dead in the eye.

"You need to stay here...I can't. Not anymore."

Dolos feels the tight pain in his chest.

"No...no no please don't say that."

"Ive always liked you Dolos...but you..thought we were in love.."

"I did. We were."

"I wasn't...and now I've had to see this war...I can't do it. My people need me, and the Union seems to be coming with me."

"Why can't I? We can go together." Dolos' voice cracks.

"Oh Dolos." She puts her hand on his face. "Not you. Your destiny goes to greater places than mine.."

Destiny: Steadfast SeraphOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant