14 - Je t'aime

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Evil....what I've lost due to it. Mazora....Aaron, Eris, Ana, Saint, Shaxx....Delilah. I miss her, so much.

This fight....it's taken everything from my soul. I want to live in safety and peace, not waiting for the next galaxy wide event to show its face.

Gate quietly watches Mars fall behind him, and the stars ahead of him. He begins to contact Camille on his shipwide comm.

He's only met with distant buzzing.

"Camille? It's Gate.."

Still nothing.

"Camille, you copy?"

Only buzzing, still.

Not again.

Gate punches it.

The army of humanity gathers at the plains, outside the City. Frederick sees them.

The Witness dwells nearby.

"They have come for their home." The Witness speaks.

"They'll try. Earth is mine now. They are all peasants in my kingdom."

"Then tell them."

Frederick hesitates, but ultimately jumps off of his Egregore tower and flies towards the hole in the Wall.

Camille watches him from the bridge of the Union Flagship. She was quiet the whole day.

She hears Lynch's footsteps behind her. She turns around.

"Camille?" He speaks with a soft tone.


"I...found something. Would you care to meet me in the engine room?"

"This isn't the time for that, Lynch..."

Lynch shakes his head constantly, he grabs her shoulder.

"No no no, not today. Trust me, please."

Camille doesn't know to trust him or not, but she owes him, so she follows him.

They quietly walk down into the depths of the flagship. Sometimes they would stop to dwell and look at eachother.

They finally reach the engine room, where a large crate waits. Lynch walks over to it.

"Close your eyes...and your ears." He says. "Oh, and Timothy would want to look at this too."

Timothy was Camille's Ghost.

"Okay." Camille laughs a bit. It was a relief to have something positive felt.

Timothy comes out and floats over to Lynch.

Camille can't hear anything, she turned off her audio sensors.

She didn't know that Lynch had stomped on Timothy. She felt it.

She opens her eyes, and the feeling is gone.

Lynch holds the last missing Fragment in his hands, and the shell of Timothy on his foot.

"Lynch...." Camille begins to breathe heavily, and takes a few steps back. She feels pressure in her chest.

"Hey hey....it's okay. Listen to me.." Lynch tries to hold her face.

"Get away from me!" She slaps him.

"I...I'm sorry."

The Firstblades all move in and reveal themselves. They form a line, and aim their rifles at Camille, their leader.

"No...Lynch, please....."

"I don't have a choice." Lynch carefully forces Camille onto her knees.

She looks up at him. He looks down at her.

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