7 - Aionia Fotia

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Brutus helps Dolos up. They both stare at the Light Priest's bodies, and it began to rain.

"Who were they anyway?" Brutus asks Dolos.

"I really don't know. Fanatics maybe?"

"But they wielded Light, like us."

Dolos opens his mouth to say something, but a loud crack interrupted him. They both look up at the sky.

A white streak flies across the night sky, they follow it, until it reaches a dark city on the horizon, New Singapore.

"What was that?" Dolos asks the questions this time.

"How would I know? We should follow it though."


They both jump off the castle and into the jungle, running towards the city.

Gate looks up at the skyscraper where Lady Calder supposedly operated from, according to the bartender.

As he looks at the scale, and woman is thrown out of one of the windows. She screams loudly, falling onto the hard ground infront of Gate, dead.

Gate stands over her body, it was Calder herself, holding her horned mask tightly.

Gate looks back up at the window, and sees a broken and pale man looking back down at him.

They glare at eachother. They know who eachother are. War has been declared.

Gate runs into the tower, Ace of Spades in hand.

Brutus and Dolos run into New Singapore, as they do, the White Streak in the sky slams into the largest tower in the city, causing a massive shockwave that pushes everyone back. Dolos and Brutus nearly fall over.

"What the hell is going on?" Brutus asks. They both run towards the Tower.

Gate climbs through the elevator shaft, he can hear the whispers of the Witness at the top.

"Leave this place...." The Witness speaks to him.

Ignore their cries, Knight.

The Traveler speaks to Gate louder.

He climbs up onto the top floor, where he sees bodies scattered throughout. He pushes into the main meeting room, where Frederick stood, waiting for him.

"You had plenty of time to run away." Gate aims Ace of Spades at him. Frederick doesn't flinch.

"I don't need to run from you. Once I am at full power, I will not grant you such mercies."

"What do you mean?" Gate growls, walking around the table towards Frederick.

A loud bang goes off, and the tower shakes. It came from the roof.

"It's time for me to go." Frederick says, walking towards the balcony outside.

Gate begins to run after him, but the Witness appears in the way.

"Move, now."

The Witness looks down at him.

"Do not command us."

"Or what?"

The Witness stares at him, but surprisingly moves out of the way.

They look at eachother as Gate walks past.

Frederick climbs up to the roof, and stares at his treasure, the Staff, surging with Dark Power. He runs up to it, and hears it's whispers..

"Take it. Now!" They tell him.

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