8 - Rain Rain Don't Go Away

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I stared at Mark. He had his eyes closed and he was breathing slowly and heavily. In...out...in...out. I glanced on stage to see hundreds maybe even thousands of people chattering and waiting patiently for Lovejoy's arrival on stage.

"They aren't doing it" Will mumbled, a frown visible on his face. "Doing what?" I questioned. I don't think Will heard because he ran on stage and everyone immediately roared in cheers and screams.

Wilbur dismissed the cheers and started yelling, "Philza! Philza! Philza!" Everyone in the crowd started chanting it too. "Philza! Philza! Philza! Philza!" "Keep it coming!" Wilbur shouted as he ran back to where Mark and I were.

Wilbur took out his phone and recorded them chanting. He sent the video to a contact on his phone. "Is that Phil?" Mark asked. "Perhaps" Will responded.

I laughed in disbelief of what just happened. "They do whatever you say" I said, staring up at Wilbur. Will smiled at me, "I mean, they are my fans."

"Oh, right." I felt very dumb. "Are you guys ready?" Joe asked Will and Mark. Mark and Wilbur both glanced at me before agreeing with each other that they're ready. "Break a leg!" I told them. Will ruffled my hair as the three walked on stage Ash following quickly behind.

"How are we doing tonight!?" Wilbur yelled in the microphone. Everyone screamed, including me. What? I'm allowed to hype up my friends!

"Are you ready!? One! Two! Three! Four!" Wilbur shouted. Mark started banging on the drums and Ash and Joe started playing the guitar and bass. I started jamming out on the side. After the song everyone started to cheer, including me.

Wilbur turned to the side and we made eye contact. He smiled at me clapping and screaming for the band. He gave me a wink and started the next song. I easily get flustered. Very very easily get flustered. I thanked god that the lights were flashing so it wasn't easy to see my red face.


The last song played and the four ran off stage. Wilbur ran and picked me off and spun me around. I squealed and laughed aloud.

Once he put me back on the ground, I stared at all of them. "Wow, you guys were...Wow" I laughed. I couldn't make out words anymore. "Thank you, Y/n. We do our best" Wilbur said. "And it shows! You guys are amazing" I told them.

We stayed back stage for a couple of hours so they wouldn't get mobbed when we left. "Hey, does anyone else think it's really cold?" I asked them.

"There's a bit of a breeze, yeah" Mark agreed. Like clockwork, as soon as Mark said that we heard the loudest thunder in the world. We laughed nervously as the sound of hard-hitting rain was heard above us. "We should go to the hotel. We can pack up tomorrow" Charles told us.

"Finally, you have common sense" Will said the snarky comment as if he was telling someone his favorite color. For better or worse, Charles bit his tongue and decided not to react.

We started to walk out of the building, as soon as we opened the door to leave the venue, a gust of wind and rain hailed down on us, and we weren't even completely out of the building yet! I instantly felt Wilbur's arm around me as we continued to walk out of the building.

I held onto Will's arms as we made the wet trek to the hotel. Mark smiled up at the rain and looked at me, "Y/n!" he shouted. I perked up and stared at him in confusion.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me out into the empty street. "Mark!" I shouted as he laughed and spun me around. I knew exactly what he wanted to do and I was all for it. "May I take this dance?" he asked me, bowing down.

I looked around the empty street. Thank God that the hotel was right across the street from the venue, the other guys already went into the hotel.

"Of course, you may!" I agreed. He put a hand on my waist and held up my hand. We started to dance in the rain. It was really pouring down on us, but we didn't care! We laughed as he twirled me. Rain dripped from his and my hair.

"Your nose is red" I commented, booping his nose as we swayed from side to side. He chuckled, "You should see yours. I'm fairly sure we're going to catch a cold" he admitted.

"That's fine. That's future us' problem" I replied, shrugging. He nodded, "That's true" he agreed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared at him. "How was your first concert?" he asked me. "Correction, that was my first Lovejoy concert. I've been to concerts before" I replied.

"Oh? Wait, what concert?" he asked me. "Do you really want to know?" I questioned. He nodded, adjusting his grip on my waist.

"It was a Mother Mother concert" I explained. "Oh, really? Was it fun?" he asked me. "It was amazing. Just like your guys' concert tonight" I told him. He rested his forehead on my shoulder, "That's good. I'm really glad you liked it" he said in a sigh.

I closed my eyes for a split second and only opened them up again because I was about to fall asleep. I didn't realize how tired I was. "Mark. Let's go inside" I told him, shaking him a little.

He nodded and we walked into the hotel. The staff looked at us with wide eyes. We were soaking wet. We looked like we just came out of a pool. I was a lot more nervous than Mark. Mark looked like he wasn't even fazed by his damp clothes and the staff's reaction.

I on the other hand, sort of forgot what consequences are. My embarrassment was noticeable to say the least.

"Come on. We're in room 178" Mark told me, grabbing my hand and leading me to the elevator. "You two looked like you had fun" Will joked as soon as we entered the room. "We had loads" Mark replied with a toothy grin.

"I'm surprised you guys aren't sick" Ash said. Wilbur laughed, I laughed, Joe laughed, Mark sneezed. 

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