Chapter 1- The Gang Gets Together

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RIING! The bell rings as students pile to the door. One by one they flow out of the classroom, a chatter following close behind them. Except, not everyone was out of their seats. There is a girl. She is still on her chair, doodling as her pencil wiggled on top. Her beautiful shades of gray hair covers her face as she leans towards her table.

Tap! The tapping noise attracts her attention. She looks up to see a boy light-dark purple and a light blue gash on the front of his hair. She gives him a smile.

"Hey, Ei," she chirps. Eilam just gives her a raised eyebrow look.

"What is it?"

"Do you know what time it is?" She checks around her, finding no one on the chairs and the teacher gone from the table. With an embarrassed rose red face, she answers the boy.

"Class is over and it's recess, huh?" A nod. She sighs.

"You need to stop doodling during class, Sash." The two walk out of the classroom. Sasha clutches the notebook in her hand, not responding to him. As they walk out of the building, they notice someone dashing around the 100m race track. They look at each other knowingly and quickly dashes over.

"Woo-hooo!" the magenta coloured hair boy yells, still running the course. He zooms to a green haired boy, holding a skateboard and jumps around excitedly. Sasha blushes a little, seeing the magenta haired boy shake his friend furiously and excitedly. This didn't go unnoticed by Eilam.

"Are you thinking about him?" he questions, without hesitating. The gray haired girl blushes once more.

"No! Shut up, Ei!" she yells at him, red faced. Unfortunately, the boys nearby heard and went over.

"Heyy Sash, Ei!" The magenta haired boy wraps his arm around the doodler as she hugs back, her face most definitely red right now. Eilam giggles at his now being cuddled friend. Altair, the magenta haired boy, pulls away from the gray haired girl, who was still red in the face. The green haired boy flips his skateboard and skates towards us, doing a couple of kickflips on the way. Bits of dust and small rocks flicked onto Eilam's shoes as he screeched to a stop.

"What's up guys?" Ace grins at the two.

"Nothing much, just Sasha forgetting it was recess." Her face got even more redder, if that was even possible.

"Shut. Up. Eilam," she hissed through her teeth, her face still as red as Cecilia's hair. Altair, who is getting what Eilam is talking about, just smacked his back. Hard.

"What was that for?!" He spits to the magenta. He casually shrugs at him.

"Don't tease someone who loves to doodle in class," Altair glares playfully while patting little Sasha's head and misses the pure satisfaction in her face," It's much better than listening to teachers talk about not running in the hallways or whatever." Eilam rolls his eyes.

"Hey y'all!" A yell jumped and scared most of them. Except, Altair, who just dashes over to the voice. Sasha feels her heart crack slightly as she watches Altair, runs over to the beautiful bluenette and wraps his arms around her and twirls her around. Eilam just places a gentle hand on the graynette's shoulder.

"Hey Melody," Ace skates over, greeting the blunette. She gives a smile at the boys. She feels a blush creep onto her cheeks as Altair snakes his hand into mine. Her eyes look up to see Sasha's eyes. They're... sad. Sorrowful. And the tears form in her eyes. Melody gently loosen her grip with Altair's. He looks confusingly at her. Ace seems confused too.

"I'm sorry," she whispers in her ear, a small frown on her face. Sasha just nods. Not wanting to risk crying in front of the boys. Eilam pats her shoulder, hoping it would help at least a bit. It did. A bit.

"What's wrong?" Altair, being the curious boy he is, walks over wanting answers. Ace follows behind, as curious as his best friend. Melody shakes her head politely.

"It's nothing," she replies, snuggling up to his side. His cheeks turn imperial red colour, grinning like an idiot. A ball knocks Ace's side and rolls to another foot on the ground. They face and are met with a top redhead with white highlights on the bottom. She gives us a giant grin.

"Wassup' guys!" she yells, a grin still on her face. Melody waves a bit before hearing another voice. Well, two voices to be exact.

"Heyy guys!" cheerful little Chris and her yellow-orange hair bounces about while Tranquil with her calm, sweet attitude kindly smiles as her green-orange hair flies in the air.

"Morning, Cuzzes," Altair smiles brightly. Their family tree is complicated but, they are cousins.

"Well, almost everyone is here," Tranquil announced, checking everyone one by one. Tango wasn't going to be here because of a mild flu, Jalsa had to go with her mom and dad to fly to another country, Asteria was well, being a spy and Asteria. Alanna was probably in the library, searching for 'how to calm your brother' books. Miranda was with her sister while Kane was with his 'brother' on the 'lower than 15 years' field trip to supervise them. The only one missing was Alastor.

"Has anyone seen Alastor?" Tranquil questions and as soon as she said 'Alastor', Alastor fell in front of them, face first.

"Whoops... Unlucky me!" he chuckles to himself, not minding that the gang was staring at him," You called?" He stands up, dusting himself off.

"This is why you don't say his name, Tranq," Ace chirps, slinging an arm over Alastor's shoulder," We call him 'Alaska'." Everyone snickers lightly. Tranquil rolls her eyes.

"Oh shut up, Ace," she huffs in response," You don't know how to handle more than 5 children and 1 sister so zip it." Ace just glares at Tranquil. And Tranquil did the same. She was not going to lose. Well, that is until they were interrupted.

"Guys! Guys!" An orange haired girl ran towards them, out of breath," We gotta get outta here! NOW!" Altair, liking his sister's, Alanna's, grammar, just teases her with it.

"Are you sure you passed the English unit test?" he hums, a small smirk on his face. But her expression did not change.

So Chris worriedly asks the exhausted girl," Is something wrong, cuz?"

"W-Well," Alanna started, fear in her voice.

"In 2 minutes, bombs are going to explode here in this school."

Ooh. So yes it gets spicy in the end. So... if you had to guess, who do you think is the bomber? But its not fully done but I didn't left clues. So y'all gotta figure it out later :D Anyways that's all for now!


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