Chapter 2- Couple Clues

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There was an eerie silence between them. 

“...Y-You’re joking, right?” Tranquil mutters, breaking the silence. Alanna shakes her head, too out of breath to speak. Altair’s smirk drops into a frown. Silence once more. 

“We have to go,” Alanna ushers,” Before the timer stops.” 

“When exactly is that?” Asteria pops up, surprising a few. But it wasn’t too surprising. She does that all the time. 

“2 minutes. I told you before,” she answers before ushering all of them,” Come on! We have to get out of here before it explodes!” They rush out, Ace clicking 2 minutes on his phone. Once out, Tranquil quickly checks, using her phone as a checklist. 

“Alanna, Asteria, Alaska…, Chrys…, Sasha… Wait. We’re missing 2. And it’s… Melody and… Altair” Tranquil murmurs under her breath. 

“What,” Alanna hisses at the green-orange haired girl. Tranquil sucks in a breath. Her palms sweated a bit. She knew how overprotective she was. 

“What do you mean by ‘Altair’, Tranq?” Alanna takes a breath with every word, trying not to yell or get mad. Ace rushes to her side worriedly, gently wrapping an arm around her. She tries to get out of his grip but his hands are too strong and holds her back from trying to run into the building. 

“No… Please. Let me go!”  

“I can’t. Lan, Please. Don’t do this.”

“But-But my brother is in there…” She sobs, tears trickling down her face. Ace wraps her in a hug, her face buried into his chest. More sobs. There is a ‘beep’ sound coming from Ace’s pocket and before they all know it, there’s a crackling loud explosion. BOOM! Alanna couldn’t stand anymore and falls onto Ace’s still wrapped around her arms. 

He gently shushes her, whispering,”It’s ok. Alt is fine. He’s fast. He’ll get out of there.”She clenches her hands at his chest, her face still on his chest, sobbing. Her hands clenches more onto Ace’s shirt. He didn’t care one bit that his shirt was going to be a mess. He didn’t care that another explosion had just exploded. All he cares about right now is the girl that is in front of him. Sobbing. 

Alastor frowns and walks over to Erica. Both of them walk toward Alanna to calm her down. There is an uncomfortable silence. Tranquil, having no idea what to do, looks at her younger sister. Her expression is… relatable. Traumatizing. A bomb explodes and your older cousin and a good friend is inside the building with the bombs. Her eyes, as teary as poor Alanna’s. She walks over to her little sister’s side, gently wrapping an arm around her. She whimpers onto her side, breaking Tranquil’s heart a bit. 

Suddenly, there’s something. A voice?

“Guys!” a voice rings through the building,” Over here!” Their eyes dart towards the voice and they are overjoyed at what they are seeing. Altair is racing out of the building, Melody by his side. Alanna dashes over, breaking free from Ace’s arms. She wraps arms around her brother, so glad that he’s still alive. Melody breathes a sigh of relief. Chrys, who is still crying, rushes over, tackling the both of them to the ground. 

“You're alive!” she cries happily, tears streaming down her eyes. Melody gently pats the girl’s head. 

“ ‘Course,” She answers, a smile stretching across her face,” Wouldn’t leave this world just yet.” She ruffles the younger girl’s yellow-orange hair. 

“What happened?” Alastor asks, curiously. 

“Well,” Altair starts, Chrys still tightly hugging him,” We were running towards the lobby. Then I noticed Melody wasn’t next to me. I hoped I had enough time to find her before the bombs exploded. So I went off to find her. I found her around the science lab, grabbing her bag. I had to drag her out to get her to safety. Once halfway there to the lobby door, we heard a loud explosion, near the lab. then another smaller and less loud explosion from the lab. But we were able to get out and that’s what’s important.” 

He sucks in a breath, a bit exhausted from narrating the short story, especially when it happened a few seconds ago. Melody whimpers softly. Altair, noticing the smallest of her problems, looks over to her. 

“You okay?” He murmurs softly looking into her eyes. A quick blush covers her face and she nods, her face cradled in her hands. He smiles softly, patting her head. All the students and teachers were out. Janitors and cleaners were out. The staff were out too. Sirens sound. An opening of a door bangs open. The cop goes over to the wrecked school, walking around it and in between the gaps of the rubble. 

Another car pulls over. But this time it isn’t a cop. It is a detective. They called a detective over. The students chatter dialed down to quiet whispers. After looking for a bit more, they find something that's oddly specific and seems to be almost downright impossible. Another shadow near the almost-but-not-yet-blown-up trees, swiftly flips, swerves and hides near the investigators. Her ears are listening carefully. 

“The bomber, it was a 16 to 19 year old that had bombed the school.”

Hey guys! It's getting closer! So who do you think is the bomber? Its going to be a wild ride for the gang. Sorry for not updating for sometime. I'll try harder but fisnishing 1 chapter is already hard. And having 2 books to focus is hard but hopefully, you all understand that I have to juggle many things right now. Thanks for reading everyone!


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