Acknowledgements & Other Words

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That's... literally all I have to say. I cannot believe that this book is done. I cannot believe that people actually read my words, and seem to like them. Absolutely blows my mind that this story, this little baby, continues to thrive here on wattpad.

For those who don't know, Frostbitten Past was my first ever book on Wattpad. I had no followers, no support, just an idea that burned in my brain about a girl who was a faerie but didn't yet know it. I wrote and published the first book, with absolutely every intention of writing the second. I never got to write it. Flash forward a handful of years, I rewrote Frostbitten with a new plot and shiny new characters. And then I decided that this time around, I would write Golden. And because life gets in the way, I put this baby on the back burner for months.

And you ALL begged me to keep writing. You private messaged me, left comments on the story, commented on my profile, all asking if I would finish this book. Asking me if I was okay. And after months (maybe even a YEAR), I came back to finish what I started.

This book would absolutely not exist without you all. Without ALL of the support you give me. Without the comments, the votes, the private messages. There is nothing I love more than reading and responding to your comments on this story. I feel like this small community we've made is the most perfect and precious community, and I adore it so much. I came back to finish this book because of YOU. Yes, YOU. And I'm dedicating this book to everyone who believed in my writing and this story and these characters.

For those who don't know, I'm a young adult who teaches children during the day, and writes silly little stories in her free time. I started my journey on wattpad as a teenager, and years later, this first story keeps me here on this website. And maybe one day, this story will make me a published author. (but those are big dreams for another day).

Finishing this story feels like a dream. Starting book 3 feels like an even BETTER dream. And I get to do it because of my followers.

Thank you for the continued support. I feel like we're all best friends at this point, caring for these characters like they are all of ours. I feel like they belong to all of us, not just me at this point. I hope you feel similarly.

I'll end this sappy note here. Just know that I love all of you sososososo much. And there is not a single comment or vote that I do not appreciate. I appreciate them all.


If you are interested in reading about the characters, I have started uploading little about me's on my blog!! read them here:

(a glimpse into the past... here are the original books, hidden in draft form on my profile. look at those coverrrsssss lmao. and those descriptions i'm dying hahaha)

 and those descriptions i'm dying hahaha)

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