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"DID YOU hear?"

Nohx was standing over his desk, his hands braced on the wood. His head hung low, his eyes closed in frustration. He ignored the voice at the door for a moment, wondering if it would go away if he ignored it.

One of the worst parts of his new job was reporting back to Prince Puck. He was, on occasion, more insufferable than his own father. However, while the late Snow Clan Leader had been evil in his heart, Prince Puck was not.

Even Nohx could see that.

"Hear what?" Nohx turned, catching sight of Prince Puck in the doorway. He moved through the shadows as they called to him, and they swept over Nohx's office floor. He was used to them by now; being the Winter Prince's lackey made it so they spent many hours together.

"The Princess has been declared missing by the school." Prince Puck threw down a newspaper, letting the front cover face up. Nohx studied it for a moment where he stood, looking at the picture of the Princess looking up at a camera, wearing her school uniform. She was smiling, and there was someone next to her, right out of frame.

"Since when?" Nohx forced himself to be still, not moving an inch. Missing. Not dead. Nohx focused on that little detail. If she was dead, we would know.

Or so, he hoped.

"She didn't show up to her Monday or Tuesday classes. Princess Carling's daughter, her roommate, stated she never returned Sunday. My son is also missing."

Nohx's hand squeezed itself into a fist. He forced himself not to think too hard about the fact that it was already Thursday. She could have been anywhere by now, if she had been missing since Sunday. Nohx felt the flare of his Rali, the call deep inside of him. He needed to send his Rali out to search. He felt the urge burn inside of him, almost suffocating him.

"This seems like it affects you more than it does me." Nohx turned away from Prince Puck, gripping his desk. "Your son's life is on the line."

"I have a lead about that, actually. From Vulara."

Nohx froze, his fingers digging into his desk. If Vulara had kidnapped Andorra, then Nohx knew she was as good as dead. The ancient killing beast that was Vulara wouldn't leave any of his victims dead; he had never made that mistake.

Nohx felt panic swell in his chest. He needed Prince Puck to leave his house. He needed his Rali on the hunt. He felt like he was back in the human realm all over again.

"Then I think it's safe to assume she's dead." Nohx turned back to Prince Puck. The words tasted like ash in his mouth, and he held himself back from spitting them up. From begging Prince Puck to leave so that he could go on a rampage.

"She's not dead." Prince Puck waved his arm, and from out in the hallway stepped in Aihfie. She was grinning up at Nohx with a sickening smile, her hands clasped in front of her. Nohx could tell she had put effort into her appearance, like she knew she'd be seeing him.

"I'm here to help you find our Princess." The word Princess sounded like the punchline to a joke. "I think we'd be very successful in finding her if we put our Rali's together."

Nohx was not working with Aihfie. He would put his foot down on that one. "Not interested."

That didn't deter Aihfie, who continued to grin. "I know, finding the Princess is such a bore. She's such a damsel in distress."

Nohx was seconds away from freezing Aihfie into death. He wouldn't lose control, he never lost control, but she was driving him close. He glanced back down at the newspaper, looking at the smiling Andorra, wishing that her warmth was next to him. That her smile, that damned smile, was aimed up at him.

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