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SIR NOHX sat in his office, rigid at his desk. Golden sunlight trickled in through the west-facing window, causing a glow to wrap around the room. It was bright bright bright, and it was giving him a headache.

In front of him sat a thick journal, fat with notes and inserts and pasted articles. He was tired, so very tired, but he was so close to figuring it all out. In a clay mug was tea from the morning, cold and forgotten, and beside that sat a newspaper clipping from days prior.

It was a photo of Andorra standing by the royal Palace in a Hornwell uniform, her blonde hair whipping around her face in a gust of wind, her plain confusion so endearing, but also so very naive. She was as good as dead in Anlithamy when she wore a face like that.

The heading read LONG LOST PRINCESS HEADS TO HORNWELL. The ink was smudged from the forgotten tea that had dripped down the side of the mug hours prior. It was beginning to crinkle at the edges.

There was a knock at the door. "Sir, there is a letter here for you. Shall I leave it with you?"

Nohx didn't turn around. "Put it on the bookshelf. I'll get to it later."

He was like and unlike his father in many ways. His crude, crass tone of voice was a similarity. His dislike of power was a difference. Not once had he wanted this job, this lifestyle. And yet, with his father's death, it was his to bear.

Hopefully not for long. And hopefully not alone. He stood from his desk once he was sure the maid was gone, and Nohx crossed the office towards the large bookshelf. It was overflowing with books, many of which didn't belong to him. They belonged to the others, the old Clan Leaders that came before him. The men that had once led with desire and integrity and a little bit of power hungry thirst.

The letter had ink calligraphy on the front. His name was in the center, and in the left corner was a single letter: S.

Nohx knew immediately what it stood for: Sivelle. Sivelle was the name of The Prophet, though not many knew this. The Prophet lived in the Woodland Forest, a magical being that was not quite faerie, not quite something else. She told the past and the future, and she was the only communication between the fae and Cornomus.

Nohx had written to her when he entered Anlithamy immediately. There was so much he needed to learn, and so little time to learn all of it. He trusted her because there was no one else to trust with his motives. He had nowhere else to turn. Trusting her was his only option.

He opened the letter and locked his office door. Sunlight creeped further into the office, falling over him and the letter. The ink seemed to glow from the effect. He read it to himself, trying not to read too fast, or read ahead.

My dearest Nohx,

Son of a cruel man, it is no surprise you have become the person you are today. I have been waiting for your letter and your arrival for some time now. I have the answers you seek, but they shall not be shared over letters.

Let me invite you to my cottage in the Woodland Forest. Your instincts will guide you to me. You seek answers about the Princess, and let me be the first to confirm that your suspicions are very, very true. You are destined for greatness, my child.

You have doubts that even the truth pond cannot quell. Let me be the one to show you the answers. Your father wanted once to be king. He will be very sad to know that you, my dear, will be one day. The only thing standing in your way is the Princess.

I will be awaiting your arrival. You are not the only one who writes to me about the Princess.

- S

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