life is a trainwreck

Start from the beginning

Closing my eyes, I extended my hands outward, hoping that I had the strength to do such a thing. Keeping my eyes glued closed, even after all of the sounds of metal and debris falling into the snow around me, I heard Adam's gruff voice call out to me.

Adam: y/n, let's go, we need to get back and tell the others!

Finally opening my shut eyes, I scanned my surroundings to see Adam holding his hand out for me to take. With the help of adam, I shakily stood up and started walking around the cargo that spilt from the train.

I had ran out of energy from using my semblance too much, which basically made my limbs about as limp as expired Jello. After falling over for the fourth time, Adam lifted me up and put me on his back like a small child, so we could get on the move.

While Adam was treading through the snow, I tried to think back to where I threw Blake, but all I could recall was a fast pace blur.

Y/n: so...this operation ended up being a total bust. Should we at least try to find Blake?

Adam: no. She tried to turn us in. If we ever see her again, consider her an enemy.

Resting my chin on the top of Adam's head with his horns pressed against my face, I looked around for any signs of Blake, but all I saw was nothing but snow with a sprinkle of debris.

My eyes threatened to close due to exhaustion, until I finally gave in and tried to sleep. While my eyes were closed, however, I heard the thundering hum off something approaching. Since I had superior hearing, I warned Adam so he could prepare in time.

Looking behind us, Not so far in the distance, a few bulkheads closed in on us, with an armored truck following from below.

Adam rushed over to the closest train cart, and placed me in a somewhat safe position, which happened to be the end of the train where we boarded from.

Adam: stay safe y/n, I'll take care of them so they can get off our backs.

Crawling through the upside down train cart, I watched from behind the only opened window. I saw Adam walking out into the open for the bulkheads to see. They soon circled him, as several atlesian knights dropped down to confront him.

Placing a hand on his katana, Adam rushed forward to take out the first knights, slicing bullets in half on his way to slice and dice the tin cans. Leaping into the air, he swung his sword down three knights before he landed, cutting them clean in half by the time he was already focusing on the next.

Launching his katana at the face of the next robot, he kicked another in the chest and caught his sword mid air, and using it to cut both of their heads off in one Swift motion. Things were looking good, until I noticed that Adam looked over to the side out of my sight a bit confused. He whipped out his katana in a defensive position, until he was suddenly struck by a large wave of ocean colored light. Adam was knocked backward quite a bit, but returned to his battle stance. My view of the battle was cut short however, as something powerful hit the train cart I was hiding in, caving in the wall to where I was pressed firmly in between the two sides of the train cart, unable to see what was going on.

I was too weak to push the wall to where I had enough room to move, so I attempted to use my semblance. After a short while, the wall had begun to creak and bend, however, not by my doing. The wall was ripped off, reveling the blindingly bright snow, which blocked my vision. Before my eyes could adjust, a large, black and purple figure grabbed me by the head and put a cloth up to my face, causing me to start feeling sleepy, until I passed out.


Waking up, I found myself in the back of a truck, all alone with handcuffs on. I tried to use my semblance to escape, but it seemed that I still couldn't. After an hour or two of confusion, the truck stopped, and the two doors on the back opened to reveal several atlas guards. The truck had pulled up to a huge, box-like building, with barbed wire fencing and watch towers surrounding the perimeter. Great, I'm going to prison.

One of the guards pulled me out of the truck by the arm, and started walking me forward, closer and closer to a pair of doors leading into the prison.

Once we made it to the doors, they open from the inside, revealing a middle aged man with a fantastically beautiful, hazelnut colored mustache, and a balding head. On the tuxedo that he wore, I could see 'warden gorden' proudly presented for everyone to see.

Warden gorden: ah, well if it isn't the infamous y/n. Welcome to your new home, were you will find lots of your kind locked being bars just like you will be!

Y/n: uh, what?

Warden: I...I meant the white fang.

Y/n: no, not that! Why am I going to prison, Don't I get like a lawyer or something!? I haven't even been to court!

Warden: you kid, clearly do not know the law. And that is why you are here. Follow.

The two guards that stood behind me grabbed onto my arms, and forced me to follow the warden.

Walking down the dark, grimy halls, I saw dozens of cells, each containing a small bed with no sheets, a toilet, and a malnourished faunus, all trying to survive this disgusting place.

Warden: don't worry, your cell isn't like these ones. It's much worse...

Once we past the hallways filled with prisoners, we entered an elevator, which took a painfully long dive underground. The guards were directly behind me, as if their paychecks required them to make prisoners as uncomfortable as possible. One of them was even looking at me in a creepy and gross way.

The elevator soon dinged, letting open its doors and allowing us to exit into a much more open area than before. Infront of me stood a clear view of a massive room, where possibly hundreds of people were being kept as prisoners. Prison Cells lined up against every wall, and extending all the way to the ceiling.

Warden: this will be your new home for an estimated thirty years, so I suggest you start getting comfortable.

Y/n: thirty years...nah. I'll break out here pretty soon.

Warden: you're welcome to try, but just know that we have more, ways to keep prisoners in.

Walking down a few sets of stairs, we started walking along the cells, where several faunus started booing the warden. Several of them actually recognized me from their time in the white fang, and started celebrating the inevitable breakout of the prison.

Eventually, we stopped at the very bottom floor of the prison, where the guards shoved me into an empty cell with a thick glass wall.

Warden: here we are, your part-time home!

Y/n: part-time?

Warden: yeah, some fancy schmancy scientist requested for you to periodically join him in his lab. Couldn't exactly say no to a guy with one of the highest rankings in all of atlas. Welp, have fun in there, you freak.

The warden left with the two guards following close behind, leaving me in an empty cell and a thousand questions. What would a scientist want with me specifically? Why was I taken straight from a crime scene to a maximum security prison? What Attacked Adam? Is he ok? Is Blake ok? Is-

My thoughts were interrupted by a strange squeaking sound coming from behind me. Turning around, I came face to face with an actual raccoon eating my crusty pillow. We made eye contact for a few seconds, until I decided to just sit against the glass wall and wait for my semblance to comeback.


I have befriended the raccoon in my state of boredom. His name is Daniel. I think, I don't speak raccoon very well.

By now, I've started to feel the need to sleep. Hopefully, Daniel with eat any bugs that try to attack me, and not give me rabies. Or E.coli. or parasites, salmonella or an STD. I don't actually know what an STD is, but I heard that Blake was scared that she had one at some point, so it's probably bad.

Ignoring my thoughts, I laid down on the rock hard mattress, and slowly drifted away into sleep.


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