Chapter Twenty-Five

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I give her a smile before walking around her, but my smile drops instantly once my back is facing towards her and she can no longer see my face. I manage to slip into study hall right as the late bell strike, the room isn't heavily pack so I'm able to find a empty table to sit at.

Pulling out my notebook I turn to the second page, after everything that has happened last night between Darnell, Jordan, and Layla — I have decided to do an old method that my sponsor use to have me do I was fresh out of rehab. It's basically an diary and I write down everything I'm dealing with or how I'm feeling, but being that I couldn't keep up with this method because I found it boring, she had told me to write using songs lyrics but I would have to make them up.

It help writing in the dairy more interesting and fun, and I really had to ponder what I really want to say and how I actually felt, and I plan on doing it again.

"Sam!" My name being yelled has my head snapping towards the direction the voice came to see Spencer basically marching towards me.

"Sh!" I place my finger over my lips as I close my notebook and slide it off my desk and onto my lap. "Why are you screaming my name like that? People are trying to study or do their homework, you could have just walk over here and started talking instead of yelling like that. And why aren't you in class?"

He holds up his hall pass as he says, "I don't care about none of these people and what they are doing." He sits at the edge of my desk. "Listen, so I went over to dad house after you'd left and I found out that Darnell is dad ex-girlfriend son, and he use to live with them back in Nevada and now Darnell is going to be living with him again for a while."

I slap my hands over my cheeks and dramatically say, "What?! You got to be kidding?!"

"How long have you known?"

"Since Nipsey Vigil."

"You've known this whole time who Darnell was?"

"No, I only known that dad was bringing him down here to live with him but I didn't know his name, what he look like or that he was trying to give him Chris position."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because all we've been doing us arguing and it's so tiring being mad at you, so I figure that dad should tell you instead of me." To change the subject I smile and ask, "Are you ready for this 7-on-7 after school?"

Spencer smiles. "Hell yeah. An easy win right after winning the championship. We got this win in the bag, no question ask."

"Period." I chuckle but the laugh is short-lived and I clear my throat. "But I really need to study for my test that I'm taking next period, and you need to get back to class before you get in trouble. I'll see you at lunch."

"Ight, I see you in a few hours." Spencer raise off my desk. "I'll find you after third period because today it's just going to be me and you, I want you to tell what's going on with you and Jordan." I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off. "I don't want to hear that things between y'all are fine cause I know it's not then once you get everything off your chest, I'll help you and Jordan make amends."

What's with him and a Olivia trying to push me to forgive Jordan? It's feels like they won't allow me to feel the way I feel, like I have to push my feelings aside so I can forgive and forget the second anything happens. "Yeah, okay. I'll see you later." I watch him leave the class then I wait a couple minutes before slipping my notebook back into my notebook then I head out the class.

I already know that Spencer will not let this go, he's going to see it out that Jordan and I make amends. But I don't want to make amends right now, I don't want to talk about Jordan; I just want to be upset until I'm over it. I have no plans on having lunch with Spencer, I don't know how imma get out of this but I have to think of something.

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