Chapter VI

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The sun started to set as the two continued to kiss.
Eventually, Eda pulled away and cuddled up right next to Raine, laying her head on their shoulder. Raine smiled softly, and as Eda slowly fell asleep, they kissed her on the forehead.

【The next morning】

Raine woke up to Eda sleeping on top of them, and blushed slightly as they remembered what had happened last night.

I really need to leave... Raine thought. But they couldn't go anywhere because they didn't wanna wake Eda up. So they stayed, scrolling on penstagram until Eda woke up.

When Eda finally woke up, she yawned. She had noticed she fell asleep on Raine, and blushed.
"Morning, Eda! Sleep well?" Raine chuckled.
"Yeah.. You?" Eda sat up, and stretched her arms.
"Yeah, I slept alright.." Raine responded, "I.. I should go-.."
Raine tried to stand up, but Eda stopped them. She grabbed Raine's arm and pulled her back onto the couch, resting her head on their shoulder.
"No.. Stay.." Eda whispered. She tiredly cuddled closer to them and gently grabbed the collar of their shirt.
"I'm sorry, Eda, I.." They took Eda's hand off of them, "I can't stay.."
"Please?.." Eda begged, quickly kissing Raine.
"I'm sorry, I can't.." Raine stood up, "We'll see each other again soon... Hopefully.."
And they ran out the door.

Eda sighed. They had left her behind, pushed her away, again.
Maybe they don't really love me... She thought. Raine meant a lot to Eda, but.. Did Eda mean anything to them?...
There was only one way to find out... And that was to spy on them. (Eda stalker arc real???!?!!?!1?😱😱😱/hj)

Author's Note:

Heyyy!!! Sorry for the shorter chapter, I was having trouble figuring out what to write here. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying this book so far!!! I'm very proud of it myself! :]
Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day/night !!
Hunter signing off ! :^

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