The End

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I don't know where to stop.

I am eternal, I am ever-present and I am constant.

I do not understand what it means to end something.

And yet I am Death, I am the manifestation of the end. I am the end of the road. I am the end.

I don't know how to end my journal. It could go on forever - each and every story is complete and unique. But that is not the point I'm trying to convey. The message I'm trying to send my sister.

Throughout my eons, I have never once seen something truly disappear. Lands are destroyed, burned, buried, flattened, choked and yet - the grass comes back. Then the ferns, and the bushes, and the trees. The wildlife fills itself in the gaps, providing balance and opportunity. I have seen apocalypses untold, and have seen the sun grace the land once more when it's over. I have seen great cities and empires rise and then fall, chaotic and brutal and glorious. Most importantly, I have seen countless souls find their way to me, heroes and villains and everyday folk. They worry what will happen without them, what will become of this world that they have come to learn and love and cherish, and their place in all of it.

I am here to say what I have wordlessly told each and everyone since time immemorial, the answer to not what happens next, but what happens to this world once you depart. Nothing.

Nothing will happen to this world.

I understand that this doesn't make any sense, and you are free to take it as you will. But this world will move on.

Over and over again I have been asked: "So what is the point? Why do any of it if it never mattered in the first place?" My answer has remained the same.


This world will move on, yes. One day you will be forgotten, your name lost to all but me. But how you live your life, how to treat the world and its many inhabitants, will forever leave an impact. I have seen the changes, the rapid development and the prosperity brought to those who choose to live a life of generosity. Of love.

I have been the personification and the manifestation of evil, of strife, of everything bad and unholy in this world. But I have also been represented as a kind spirit, a guide, a ferryman, and so much more. For now, I think it's enough to leave you with my thoughts and actions for you to make up your mind about me. But I tell you this to prove my point.

The cultures that fear me, hate me, and despise me also fear, hate, and despise their dead. The cultures that revere me, love me, and think fondly of me are the same cultures that remember and celebrate their dead. Their names are passed down through the generations, their existences, their stories not simply a footnote but a living, breathing thing.

My story will never make its way to my sister from my hands. I will likely never get to meet her unless there's something waiting for us after all this. It doesn't matter much now, though.

Because you're here.

You serve as the bridge between us, a connection so wide and vast and powerful that I can feel her presence in each and every one of you. All of you mean so much to me, each of your unique stories reveal another facet of her. I will happily look out for you until the end of time.

But for now, I am in need of you. Just as you serve as messengers for her, I need you to give her a message from me. Tell my sister that everything I do, I do it in utter fascination of what she is capable of. Tell her I look for her in every pond, in every flower, in every sunrise. Tell her of my little adventures, of what I've accomplished and the mistakes I've made to get there. And tell her...

Tell her I love her more than anything in the world.

Until we meet again (but not too soon),


Death's WishNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ