(23) Men of the West

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( POV Thorin Stark )

It was just a few hours to nightfall as I sailed to the base of the mountain that Casterly Rock sat upon, behind me you could still see Lannisport burning.Storming the Rock would be nearly impossible and besieging it could take from months to years. So I was taking a page from Lan the Clever's book and I'm going to take the keep through deception.

For months Lord Karstark had been sending soldiers into the castle under the guise of refugees, the forces only numbered a few hundred but it would be enough for the plan. As I was scouting the Rock through Warging I also discovered a series of hidden doors that lead to the sewers, this tunnel is how I planned to get another large force of men into the keep.

As the sun rose yesterday Lord Karstark had begun to besiege the castle, it was nothing serious it was only meant to be a distraction. He has been launching boulders at the thick walls of the keep, it does little to no damage but it has kept the men at arms awake so when I lead the attack I'll be fighting tired men not fresh soldiers.

"My lord. We have reached the tunnel." Came the hushed voice of Ser Martyn Silverswan.

"Good set a watch for the ships and prepare the rest of the men." I commanded and I got a nod in response before he hurried of to carry out my orders.

The tunnel was covered by an iron door, to get through it I had two large men from bear island hammer away at it with large hammers. It broke soon enough and in an hour we were climbing our way through the tunnels that eventually lead to the sewers, and from the sewers we made our way into the keep itself.

We came out deep into the mountain the Casterly Rock was situated on, right by the famous Lannister Vaults. At the same time Lord Karstark was leading his first real assault on the castle, he had a giant battering ram, the men carrying the ram held a large tower shield high to protect from archer fire, and every time one of the people carrying fell their role was picked up by some one else immediately after.

It took a while to make our way through the giant keep that was Casterly Rock but soon enough we found ourselves in the main keep, it was abandoned, the servants had either grabbed a weapon and made for the walls or hidden in a secure area, so we faced no opposition making our way through out and soon we found ourselves attacking the Lannisters from behind.


( POV Lannister Soldier )

'The battle had started so well' I thought as I drew another arrow and loosed it into the hoard of Northerners that had gathered in front of the gate. I couldn't let these savages past the gate, we wouldn't survive I knew. Ser Daven tells us that even a thousand men could hold the Rock from a hundred thousand 'Snow Savages' but I knew better.

I was stationed on the southern bank in the battle of Riverrun, I remember seeing the Black Bear on a green field illuminated by blue fire as my friends got cut down by giant men clad in fur cloaks, I was one of the lucky few to get away from that battle, and my luck lasted when I survived the battle of Oxencross.

Ser Daven collected any of his fathers men who survived Oxencross, me among them and marched us to the Rock. We are safe in the Rock he says, but no one is safe from the Bloody Wolf. I look over the walls as I draw yet another arrow I see the White Sunburst banner but the one that catches my attention is the black wolf on a white field, the wolf had its red fangs bared in a snarl. I felt a shiver of fear go down my back as i loosed my arrow.

Maybe Ser Daven is right and our five thousand men can hold the Northern at the gate but the fighting isn't only at the gate for nearly an hour the Northerners battered their ram at our gate when the fighting started behind us, Ser Daven sent one of his trusted men to deal with it but I know not what happened.

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