(9) King in the North

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( POV Eddard Stark )

I stood in front of a large crowd of smallfolk they would call me traitor without knowing anything. Fools I would never betray Robert he was my brother in all but blood and I won't stand here and lie. My time in this world is over I know it, my sons come south with an army at there back they will save my daughters.

"My name is Eddard Stark and King Robert Baratheon first of his name made me Hand of the King after Jon Arryn was killed by Queen Cersei Lannister!" That shocked everyone at court as they expected me to confess

"He found out that Joffrey Waters was the Kingslayers Bastard, and when I found out that  our so called King was a bastard born of incest she called me traitor and sentenced me to die."

"Payne bring me his head!" Came Joffrey's shrill voice that sounds so much like his mothers

My head was forced to the block Ilyn Payne took Ice from it sheath, he means to kill me with my own sword. I looked to my left and saw Sansa's horrified face i looked to the crowd and saw Arya, then I looked down and saw no more.

~ We got ourselves a HEADLESS NED ~
( Tyrion Lannister )

We where dragged to the Weirwood tree, apparently it wasn't here a few days ago, it had sprung from the ground when the Starks set camp. I've heard his men say it means the Wolves of War, the brothers new names, are blessed by the Old Gods

We were dragged in front of the Weirwood the face carved to look like an angry snarl. Amongst the roots sat the three Direwolves. The black blending into the shadows, the white baring a striking resemblance to the tree itself and the grey staring at us alert as ever. In the branches there where dragon actual real dragons.

Once I stopped staring at the dragons I looked around the floor was blanketed by snow and in the ground where many banners. There where many, the silver eagle of Mallister, the black bear of Mormont, the sunburst of Karstark and a dozen others but there where four that caught my eye.

The first was a black trout leaping over a bridge, that must be the new Lord of the Crossing. The next was the Stark banner but on either side there was customised banners.

The first looked like the Stark banner but instead of a grey wolf with gold eyes on a field of white it was a white wolf with red eyes on a black field . The banner of the white wolf Jon Snow.

The second also looked like the Stark banner but instead it was a black wolf with dark blue eyes on a blood red field. The banner of Thorin Stark the Bloody Wolf.

"In the North it's said that a man can't tell a lie in front of a heart tree." Robb Stark spoke finally ending the silence

"So tell me Kingslayer, did you throw my brother from the window of the broken tower?" He asked his voice icy and his face seemed carved out of stone.

"I did." Came Jamie's short response.

I looked to him in surprise, how could he do that. The lords present clearly agreed as angry mutterings of Kingslayer and only seven could be heard. He at least had the decency to look ashamed.

"Your lucky I need you alive because my brother would enjoy hurting you for all you've done." Lord Stark said as he gestured to The Bloody Wolf who was snarling like the wolves that rose from where they sat amongst the roots. The Dragons had also began to roar in anger.

"Tell me Kingslayer." The bloody wolf snarled at us

"what hand did you use to throw him from the tower" he continued

"My left." Jamie said as confused as me.

"I said I needed you alive not whole. Jon hold him." As he said that Jon Snow got up and Jamie began to struggle in his chains.

"No! No! Please don't!" Jamie cried out

"Tell me Kingslayer did my brother beg?" Jon Snow whispered in my brothers ear loud enough for me to hear

"Please! No!" Jamie continued to beg

"Thorin Winters Fang." Lord Stark said and held a hand out, that was quickly filled by The Bloody Wolfs axe

As Jamie begged mercy and Jon Snow held him in place Lord Stark raised the axe high in the air and swung with all his strength. Jamie's hand dropped to the ground and he wailed, I'd never seen him cry before. But after a minute of crying he fainted.

"Get the wound looked at then put him back in the cells." Lord Starks icy voice broke threw the silence as he hands the axe back to his brother.

"You imp. You I don't need alive or otherwise." He said and I felt chills

"Your going to kill me?" I asked fearfully

"No they say that we're doing your father a favour keeping you away from him so we'll give you back and ruin his day." The reply came from Thorin Stark.

"You will return to your fathers host with our terms and your brothers hand." He told me and I felt relief that I would leave alive and soon.

"And what are these terms." I asked

"My father returned as Lord of Winterfell, my sisters returned unharmed, Ice returned to us, the bones of the Stark men and women your sister butchered in the streets returned and should the iron throne call the Northern banners expect us to march slowly." He listed his demands

"And should the the 'good king Joffrey refuse our terms remind him that Winter is Coming." Thorin quoted the Stark words and I got chills again, how can there me so much power in such simple words.


( POV Thorin Stark )

The Lords sat arguing what king we should support but I already have my answer I've had my answer since the day I found the Dragon eggs in the crypts of Winterfell and I saw the Crown of Winter. I stood from my seat loudly drawing the attention of all the lords in the tent, I walked to the the centre of the tent and began to speak.

"My Lords tell me why we should kneel to any southern king! A King who has never set foot in the North! A King who has never felt the true chill of Winter! I will kneel to one King! A King of Winter! Robb Stark is my brother, My Lord, and the only King I'll ever kneel to! For I know no King, but the King in the North!"

As I said king in the North i unsheathed Kingmaker from my back and kneeled to him, the Lords followed my example each one shouting Robb Stark, Young Wolf or King of Winter. But the one heard the most was King in the North.


{ Authors Notes }

I know that it was a short chapter but I felt that this was just a good place to end it

Robb is now The King in the North

Also I kept reading the King in the North speech in a Scottish accent couldn't help it

Hope you enjoyed it

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