(14) A wedding and a gift

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( POV Wyman Manderly )

I walked my daughter down to the Heart tree, his Grace was there already at the Heart tree. The moon was bright tonight, though nothing shined as bright as my little girl tonight. There was a large gathering of Lords, all the lords of the North and Riverlands there where even some from the Vale. The Direwolves and the dragons where there, sitting in silence watching the ceremony.

Thorin Stark stood in front of the Heart tree, he would be officiating in place of Ned, the Kings other brother stood a few steps behind him with my daughters new cloak and a knife on his waist. All the gathered Lords held a torch, the torches along with the moon acting as the only light in the shaded Gods wood of Riverrun. I walked my Wylla to the tree until she stood beside Robb then I took a few steps back and got ready for the wedding.

"Who comes before the Old Gods this night." Thorin's voice echoed through the Gods wood.

"Wylla of the house Manderly comes here to be wed. A woman grown true born and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the Gods, who comes to claim her." I answered

"Robb of house Stark, The King of the Northand The Trident. Who gives her." Robb said and I saw his beaming smile when he looked at my Wylla.

"Lord Wyman of house Manderly, her father." I responded.

"Lady Wylla of house Manderly do you take this man as your own?" Thorin asked

"I take this man." Wylla responded

"King Robb of house Stark do you take this Woman as your own?" Thorin asked his brother.

"I take this woman." His grace responded

"Then place her under the cloak of your house, as you place her under your protection." Thorin said

Robb took off my daughters cloak, it had a green merman wielding a trident on a blue field proudly displayed. He then turned to his brother Jon and gave him the cloak before he took the new one. He wrapped the new one around my Wylla's shoulders, the cloak had the grey Direwolf of house Stark displayed proudly and my daughter looked radiant in the Stark colours.

"Kneel before the Heart tree and ask the Gods for their blessing." Thorin said and they both did and they preyed for a minute

"You knelt as man and woman, now rise one heart, one soul, rise as man and wife." Thorin continued then they ended the ceremony with a kiss before all the lords cheered.

After the ceremony we went to the great hall of Riverrun to have a great feast. Late into the celebrations Lord Umber rose from his seat downed his tankard and shouted 'bedding' and the rest of the Lords took up the chant. They where both carried off to their chamber.

The feast continued with the Kings brothers telling stories, Thorin told of the story when he was fostering in bear Island and he got drunk with Dacey Mormont and little Lyanna dared him to wrestle a bear, apparently the bear sits above the fire in the great hall of bear island. Though I knew all the fun was short lived, for we still had a war to win.


( POV Thorin Stark )

I stood in Robb's solar along with Jon, we where waiting for Robb it had only been a couple of days since the wedding and I doubt Robb has gotten much sleep, though he spends a lot of time in his room. It was then I heard the door open and in walked Robb as Kingly as usual.

"Had fun brother?" I asked him as me and Jon wore matching smirks.

"And what are you two smirking about, it'll be your marriages soon enough. Jon's sooner than yours brother." He responded

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