(13) Reuniting the Pack

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( POV Thorin Stark )

I stood beside Robb, Edmure, Grand-Uncle Brynden and mother on the docks beside the trident. It was a dark day, the clouds where grey though there was little wind. I gazed upon the boat that would carry Grandfather's body down the Trident where he will hold eternal court with the trout on the riverbanks as all Tullys had fir centuries.

The Wolves where strangely quiet today, and the Dragons seemed more still. Mother had tears in her eyes at the loss of her father, Edmure seemed just as upset. I could see the sadness in Grand-Uncle Brynden's eyes he had spent a lot of time by his brothers side after they put their argument to rest.

Robb also looked sad, any time he didn't spend on war or with me and Jon was spent getting to know Grandfather before he left us. I spent only a little time with him, I spent most of my spare time going over strategies and sparring in the yard. But now that he is gone I regret not spending more time with him before his final moments.

Eventually the time came for the boat to be set off down the Trident. Me, Robb, Blackfish and Edmure waded into the river and pushed the boat off, Mother remained on the dock watching as Grandfather sailed away. The other Riverlords and Lords of the North watched from the banks.When we returned to the docks Edmure took a bow and arrow offered to him by the Blackfish. He lit the arrow, took aim, let the arrow fly and it sailed past landing in the waters of the Trident.

"It was the wind." he said defensively but I knew there was no wind. And so he tried again. He lit the arrow, took aim and again it landed in the waters of the Trident. Twice more he tried until finally the boat was out of range, not since long before the Tully's where made lord paramounts of the Riverlands had a Lord of Riverrun not been set aflame on his final sail down the Trident.

"Brother." Came Robb's disappointed voice, and I knew what he wanted.

I grabbed the bow from Edmure hands took the last arrow, and without needing to ask Alduin breathed his frosty flame on the arrow. I took aim, inhaled, drew the bow back and let lose on the exhale. The arrow shot through the air faster than it had any right to, a streak of blue flame streaming behind it. When the arrow hit the boat it ignited instantly in blue fire.

I turned and gave the bow back to Edmure before I turned back to the river, he looked away in shame not baring to look me in the eye. I watched as the boat sailed down the river, slowly sinking the farther it went eventually when it was half sunk it turned a corner and it was gone out of view. He'll be at peace now I hope.  


( POV Robb Stark )

I sat in my solar, Thorin and Jon sat across from me, Jon had only returned yesterday with Arya, we spent the day together as a family forgetting about the war, it was nice but the war continues and so we must get back to planning. Soon enough Arya and Mother will be going back North to Winterfell where they can be safe.

"So what's this news you've to tell me?" Jon questioned

"When you where our toppling a mountain we had a meeting with Lord Royce the new regent of the Vale." I replied

"I can't imagine your mother was very happy about hearing that her sister was no longer regent?" Jon replied

"No she was not." Thorin replied with a snort

"So what is his price for convincing the little lord to bend the knee?" He asked

"A husband for his daughter." I told him. He looked at us in disbelief then turned to Thorin who gave him a nod.

"But I'm just a bastard." He said shocked by the news.

"No, you where just a bastard now you are a Stark, the brother to a King." I told him

"You are an important man worthy of an important wife." Thorin said with a smirk

"Besides I hear she is much better looking than her ogre of a father, though no one has prettier hair than you ay Jon." Thorin jested with a smirk on his face

"Lord Royce will attend my wedding to Wylla Manderly that will occur within the month as will his daughter, if he arrives with fifteen thousand Knights of the Vale as well as a letter from my cousin naming me King of the Mountains and the Vale then within the week you will be married." I explained to him

"So you get a Kingdom and I get a pretty wife, I think I got the better deal brother." He said

"So enough about Jon's pretty wife, what are we to do about the mountain and Jon's cousin?" I asked them both

"I say we send the body to the old lion." Thorin suggested with a dark look on his face and the idea had merit

"They say that the Dornish still hunger for vengeance for what happened to Princess Elia at the end of the rebellion, I say we send it there, maybe it will incite them to get of their arses." Came Jon's suggestion

"Thorin, you will go to the body and hack off its head, then on the back I want you to carve 'The King in The North sends his regards' the head will be sent to Sunspear along with Jon's cousin, the body will be sent to King's landing." I commanded him

"Aye I'll go now." He said before he got up to leave


{ Authors Notes }

Sorry I didn't do a chap yesterday I was back at school

I tried to do an Arya and her family scene but I stopped half way through because it was shit

This chap we got a trout going back to the river
The pack is reunited now only Sansa left to save

Next we got some weddings and Robb goes to speak with Renly Baratheon

Thanks for reading

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