"One twenty eight, one twenty nine, one thir-" someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around but with my teary eyes, I couldn't see them. I tightly held on the seat feeling entirely helpless with myself.

"Miss," the person called out and I could tell they were crouching. I could also make out that they were male from their voice and their large build that appeared blurred before me.

Thunder struck just then as loud as ever that I held onto the man, my cold fingers gripping onto his large coat. I began counting numbers once more not realizing that his body had gone limp.

I curled into his side, into the warmth that he provided as more tears flowed down my cheeks. He shifted slightly that I looked up at him. His eyes were grey, like the clouds when a storm was building. They stared back at me in what I couldn't place though I flung onto him when lightning flashed.

The sound passed over us like a blanket seconds later that I felt the bus shake if not the two of us. I stifled a small cry clinging onto him like a child. My breathing became laboured when he began to pull away but he whispered hoarsely into my side, "Safe."

I concentrated into the deep timbre voice he emitted until my breathing normalized and he pulled away to look at me, "Okay?" He asked assessing my eyes and I nodded up at him.

I could now make out the thickness of his eyebrows and the slightly damp dark hair that rested on his head. He carefully pulled me up and I wrapped myself around him. I couldn't trust myself to walk alone.

His body went rigid but then in a single glance, he began to lead me out of the bus. His steps were small, ensuring that I didn't stumble and that my breathing was okay. He led me towards the rest of the group that was huddled near a closer building.

I wanted to get away from here into the safety of my apartment. I hopelessly patted the sides of my denim jacket for my phone to call Leila but then I couldn't find it. I had put it in my bag.

"My bag is-" I hiccupped before I could finish my sentence. The thunder had died down though I could still hear it from a distance but the rain was now pouring heavily. The man, my saviour, nodded at my words and rushed towards the bus.

He came back in a flash and handed over the bag. I managed a smile despite my tears as I took it from him. I ruffled through it and took out my phone. There were countless messages and missed calls from Leila and others from Lora.

I unlocked my phone to call her but her name came flashing on the screen. I picked up the call and her panicked voice came through.

"Where are you Elle, it's past the arrival time." She scolded perhaps angry at waiting for so long. She took in a deep breath when I told her about my situation. She didn't ask for the location though and I didn't know where we were but she promised to come for me soon.

I hung up unwillingly from the commotion that began near the shelter as the wind blew the raindrops our way. We squeezed ourselves to fit in the small space that we began pushing each other.

I was standing at the edge of the hallway and a man dressed like an officer came settle the uneasy crowd. It was not an easy task as he almost got knocked over. I wasn't any better because I was pushed into the pouring rain.

I squinted my eyes shut as the drops hit my hair rather harshly and I wondered whether it was raining rocks. I held my bag closer to my shivering self awaiting Leila. I hoped I wasn't too far from the city.

Almost a minute later, an umbrella got pulled over my head and I looked up to see the grey-eyed man. He towered over me and I noticed he had put on a green raincoat.

He held the umbrella for me but when I moved to hold it up and thank him, he shook his head seeming content with holding it. "You're getting rained on!" I frowned slightly trying to lift the umbrella higher so that he could shelter himself too.

He stared down at me and when my actions seemed to register, he pulled himself under the umbrella and I smiled in appreciation. He didn't seem bothered about the rain as I was.

I didn't want to bother him longer so I peeked up to tell him that my friend would be picking me up soon only to find his grey eyes trained on me.

He turned his neck swiftly as if he hadn't expected me to look at him and faced ahead. I moved closer when the raindrops began getting to my arms. He seemed to notice too as he pulled the umbrella towards me.

I didn't say anything until I caught sight of Leila's car pulling over. She walked over towards us when I waved her over. Turning to the man beside me I said, "Sir my friend is here, thank you." I couldn't help it when I squeezed his left arm to express my sincerity.

His eyes turned a darker grey shade and he shuffled his feet as if he was going to stumble as he stared down at me. The hand holding the umbrella wavered that rain got to my shoulder. He cleared his throat and blinked severally. I waited for him to say something but Leila got to us before he could.

"Are you alright?" Leila flipped me around running her eyes over every part of my body then pulled me into an embrace. I nodded at her not minding the rain that fell on us, content with seeing her here.

We pulled apart and she straightened my jacket and lifted up my bag, "Let's go." She didn't seem to notice the man beside us as she turned towards her car. I turned back and profusely thanked him again then waved before I ran after Leila.

I turned to wave again when he didn't move from his spot. Leila placed the bag into the car and just when I was about to climb in, he waved back and a broad smile spread all over my wet face. I fasted my seatbelt and turned towards his direction till he disappeared into the distance.

"Lora has been trying to reach you," Leila said when we had moved further and I pulled my bag to ensure that everything was intact and then text her. I felt the side pockets fishing out the phone replying to her messages.

I leaned back into the warm seats casting Leila a glance, "I'm sorry for being late." She was such a nice friend to even pick me up this late. She hadn't replied before I sneezed ever so loudly making her jump slightly.

I felt for my handkerchief knowing that I was bound to catch a cold. I ruffled through my pockets again when I didn't feel the small card for the bookstore. I searched both sides but it wasn't there.

"Looking for something?" Leila asked and I went into a fit of sneezes again before I could answer. I had to deal with this cold I'd caught and preparing the bookstore's cards all over again.

What a great week I'd be having.

✪ ✪ ✪

What an eventful first chapter! Let me know what you think about this so far. More updates to come soon.

I posted an aesthetic board about this chapter on Instagram, you can check it out and follow for more!


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