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•ᙎarnings: contains scenes of anger, violence, and death, read at your own risk, the author does not take responsibility for any negative feelings this story may procure.

Written For @The Bethlehem Awards.

From the late hours of Christmas Eve to the new dawn of Christmas morn a man in a Santa costume visited a home.

As the night rang with joy and festivities he brought with him death and dismay. If he had a sack it would not hold gifts we would hold dear.

When he was through fuelled with bitter envy and jealousy of love lost,  Christmas was no longer Merry but deadly dreary.


1. Here Comes Santa Claus 🎅

Eyes as cold as the winter night stared through the window at the scene that was unfolding in the warm cozy living room that boasted the customary display of the festive season.

They watched every detail of the couple's playful banter, laughter, and affection. The unaware spectator felt anger and distates rise like bile within the very core of their being. The woman inside has been naughty.

This was supposed to be their night. It should have been the other way around, but here like a straggly dog staring at bits of scrumptious leftovers and longing for just a tiny morsel the eyes drank in every bit of the scene that unfolded.

The petite blonde with skin as creamy as buttered milk and lips as rosy as mistle berries clung to the tall athletic figure with delight after he handed her a small rectangular shape gift-wrapped box.

An early Christmas present no doubt. He watched as she ripped the paper from it with slender fingers after playfully sticking the stick-on bow to the forehead of the man that stared down at her in anticipation.

Fingers in dirty white gloves wrapped themselves tightly about the cleaver they held. Tighter and tighter they squeezed as he saw the blonde reach for the man and kissed him with deep affection after the revelation of the diamond-studded tennis bracelet that was nestled on soft crepe paper in the velvet confines of the box.

He felt a sadness that was almost his undoing. He felt defeat reach out of the cold to wrap its dismal warmth around him but hate was stranger. He was not going to let her rip him apart any longer.

He looked away and stared at the houses that sandwich that of the couple he had watched with genuine hate. One was showing no sign of occupancy, no doubt they were somewhere enjoying some nightly festivity of the cold, crisp yet highly appreciated Christmas Eve.

The other however was filled with sounds of vibrant festivities. A party was in full swing. The sounds of Here Come Santa Clause blasted into the night as shadows of the people within showed no care for who or what was out on the lonely street that bordered their festively decorated homes and yard.

He whistled gayly to the tune of the loudly blasting song as he crossed the road and stepped on the lawn of the house of the couple he had stood watching minutes ago. He stood by the life-size statue of Santa Claus that smiled jolly and gay out at nothing and remove its hat which he donned.

His costume was now complete. He walked to the door and rang the bell.  As he sang Here comes Santa Clause and waited with a heady delight for it to open he never felt happier.

Christmas was going to be splendid after all.


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