Trying to regain a hold on himself, he shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts, as it was useless having them now.

He was in the present, the past was gone and so should those memories too.

"Fuck..." Damien swore under his breath, his hand coming up to rake his hair, as he blinked back the tears burning at the back of his eyes.

All these images were doing right now was to hurt him, and he of all people knew that there was no point brooding on things that were impossible.

He and Madison were over, and it had been that way for a very long time. Her betrayal was something he didn't understand, nor could he just forgive her like that. He needed to stop all this daydreaming.

"Stay focused, Damien. Just stay focused!" He chided himself, shaking his head once more, and taking deep breaths to calm himself, he bent his head over the wheel.

When he felt like he was better, he looked back up and just at the same time, he saw Madison hand the baby back to its mother. She still had that wide happy smile on her face, and with a kiss to the baby's cheek, she bade the mother goodbye and turned to her own apartment.

Damien watched her from afar, pain shooting through his body.

He watched her strawberry blonde hair billow in her cool evening breeze. She still had that small willowy gait from back then, her curves still intact, her legs beautifully shaped and even though she looked a bit slim, nothing about her seemed to have changed at all. As she walked into her house, Damien saw her fondle with the keys, and then she opened the dark rickety wooden door, before getting in and shutting it behind her.

He fell back into his car seat, his heart heavy as another wave of nostalgia enveloped him.

Those fucking strawberry blonde curls, and that smile... it was enough to take him back to the past.

To the times when things had been perfect, and this time as the memories flooded him, he didn't even try to stop it. He didn't try to shake the feelings away and force himself to think of something else.

This time, Damien allowed them to fill his mind, and take him back to that good time...


Flashback, Some years earlier.

"Guess who?" Damien said in a serious voice, trying his hardest not to laugh as he placed both palms over his girlfriend's eyes.

She obviously knew it was him, but they both liked to play this game and she always played along every single time.

"Hmm...." He heard her say, pretending to guess and after a while, she clicked her tongue and replied, "Alvarez?"

Damien nearly burst out laughing but he held himself back, "Nope."

"Ahh, really?" She said in a fake tone, "Okay then... let me try again. Dad?"

Damien nearly jumped from his skin, his hands falling from her eyes, as he heard that word and Madison burst into a round of laughter as she turned to face him, "Gotcha, didn't I?"

"Not funny," Damien smirked his eyes darkening, "Anyways, I let you win this time so don't get ahead of yourself."

"Yeah... right."

As she continued to laugh, Damien pulled her closer to him, placing a finger under her chin as he whispered slowly, "I can make you pay for that, you know?"

Madison looked up innocently at him, "You don't say."

Damien couldn't help but smile. She knew exactly what he meant, but before she could say any more he had pulled her to him, slipping his fingers into her curls and crushing his lips on hers in a soft kiss which she eagerly returned.

He finally broke the kiss, pecking her forehead lightly as he snaked his arms around her waist and placed his head in the crook of her neck. They both stood watching the waves crash on the beach.

This beach was their spot, and their favorite place to be away from all the things that bothered them back in their small neighborhood. It was where they'd had their first kiss, their first dance, and it had sort of become their safe space.

They would always come here every weekend, when Madison could slip out of her house without getting noticed or scolded and since this was one of such weekend, they wanted to maximize it to the fullest. It was bliss.

"I never want this to end." Madison suddenly whispered, tightening her hold on Damien's hand, and just like always when Madison said things like this, his stomach did backflips as he replied, a bit solemn, "Me neither, Maddie. I feel like the best version of myself whenever I'm with you. I don't know how to explain it, but... there's just something. I feel at ease, and it's because of you. This is perfect, Madison... it's amazing."

She turned to face him, tears filling up her eyes as she smiled at him, "My brothers and my Dad says I don't understand love because I'm still too young, and I'm only confused, but they are all wrong about that. Not just them, but everyone in this fucking town that I somehow hate so much!" She finished with a hiss.

Damien chuckled, pulling her even closer, "Maddie..." He began but couldn't finish as she cut in.

"I know what love is, I'm sure of this. Love is the way I feel when I'm with you. The fact that I don't just care about anything else but you, is just so blissful and still strange too. I care so much about you Damien, that whenever I'm not with you, I feel so incomplete. What is this then, Damien? What is it, if it isn't love?"

"I love you, Madison. No matter what they say, or what anyone thinks. I'll always love you, I want you to know that."

"I will always love you to Damien." Madison said all to eagerly, leaning up and placing a kiss on his mouth gently.

They both stared up at each other, and in that moment Damien vowed that nothing would ever separate them. He felt complete with her, the same way she did with him and he never wanted that to go away.

If she did, he would be forever shattered. He felt loved each time he was around her, and that was something he would cherish for the rest of his life.

He leaned in for another kiss, their fingers intertwined as their lips merged to become one. The wind lifted her curls, and Damien pressed his nose to her hair, at the same time.

"Damn you smell good. So good, like my Maddie. My woman... Mine."

Madison suddenly burst out laughing, splaying her hands around his chest, "You're honestly such a goof. Am I not your Maddie?"

"Yes, yes you are mine."

Laughing, they both walked closer to the shore and kicking off their shoes to dip their legs into the water, Damien stole a glance at the most beautiful girl by his side, a wide smile on her face as she watched the beautiful scenery.

When she saw he was staring, a blush crept up her cheeks, "If you keep staring at me like that I'm going to melt into this water."
Damien chuckled but said nothing, instead as a response, he scooted closer to her and rubbed his thumb over her hand.

"I love you, always." He whispered, burying his face in her hair and smiling and hugging him tightly she replied, "Always and forever."

Flashback Ends


Damien felt a lump form in his throat at the memory, and the back of his teary eyes burned as he rubbed them. Shaking his head and reminding himself of where he was, he looked down at the steering wheel.

With a start he looked back up.

Night had really fallen completely, and groping the dark for his phone so he could check the time, Damien saw that he had been sitting in the same spot for nearly an hour.

Sighing heavily, he immediately started the ignition of his car, and without thinking twice he drove off into the night.


Thanks for reading. 💕

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