16◕⩊◕ Panic Attack

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When the car parked in front of Maria's house, the crinkle of plastic competed against the faint piano music as she searched through one of them. "For you." She handed him a pair of black socks patterned with winking emojis. Cheap, to top that, poorly designed, and uncomfortable.

Still, he accepted and said thanks.

"I bought this when you got lost."

"You got lost," he insisted.

She got out and handed half of the bags to the maid. "Night!"

Caleb already entered his gate and didn't reply. He took the plastic bag from the backseat and gave it to the first maid he saw. "Distribute this to everyone. One shirt each." He then went up the stairs. The maid stared after him in confusion, in shock, then hurriedly left to find others.

Inside his room, Caleb directly dialed his father's number.

[What is it?]

"Sir, I'd like to stop studying at home for a while."


"I want to focus on Maria."

[Does she give you a hard time?]

"She's a . . . "—nut—" . . . special case. She needs attention."

Seconds of silent contemplation passed.

[Alex would've done it without sacrificing studies.]

Well, Alex isn't here anymore. I'm the best and the only one left, he thought. You have no choice but to suck it.

[Fine.] His father finally agreed after another silence. [Make it fast.] Then the line went dead.

"Thank you . . . Sir," Caleb still said.

From his pocket, he pulled out the pair of socks Maria gave him. He had to be quick and end it all.

----------- ᨐᵉᵒʷ -----------

The weekend passed with Maria's usual invasion. Even going to school together for the new school week was like a forced routine for Caleb. There were still heartbroken ones and oppositions, but nobody bothered with them anymore. Maria's violence and his tolerance of her spread throughout the school. There were even rumors about his inclination toward masochism.

He breezed through the whole day, surprisingly calm, despite being surrounded by idiots. This time, Shalla hung out with them too, to compete against Matthew for Lord's attention. Then there's Tamara. Caleb had to pit against her for Maria's.

It's the most bizarre set-up, and Caleb was a part of it. Club activities drained him. Maria suggested they do a 'Flea Market' concept on Foundation Day.

"I went to a flea market with Mon-Mon last Friday. It was so cool."

Matthew laughed. "Your Highness went shopping at a poor people's den? You breathed the same air as them?"

Caleb gritted his teeth. "I did."

"Do they sell potions there?" Tamara asked while she sewed the second button on a doll for its eyes.

Maria shrugged. "I don't think so. But they have good slippers."

"Can I come with you next time, Ya-ya?"

"Sure Tam-Tam!"

Among the list of things that made him scream internally, one of them was the use of cringy nicknames.

Caleb was the only one who voted against the suggestion. The majority won, so he accepted defeat. They were divided into three pairs for research. This time, he fought tooth and nail and sweat and blood against Tamara just to pair with Maria.

D*mn it, Maria!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon