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sunoo was in his home alone again no one around only he and the silence, somehow he prefer being is school then in his house because In school he got to spend time with his friends  and now he was bored in his house .

sunoo just came out of the shower hair damp and a towel wrap around his waist, he got to the closet and choose a comfortable outfit for himself and then begin to dry his hair.

on the other hand some one was watching his every step trough his binoculars.

"oh! how beautiful are you I will make sure that you will be mine no matter what it takes"

sunoo was feeling uneasy as if some one was watching him so with out any thought he lock his door , Windows and tucked himself under his blanket, no wonder he was a fast sleeper.
"I have been having my eyes on you for the past 1 years when will you be mine"

some one said in a room there was thousand Of photos of sunoo in school uniform in cafe ,streets,even in his room, the pictures of sunoo were covering the four wall of the room.

one thing for sure his love for sunoo was dangerous and obsessive.

the next day sunoo woke up early and then he did his morning routine and ate his breakfast

now he was on his  seat , sitting peacefully looking out of the wind spacing out that why he didn't notice the person beside him who just came

"hey! what up are you shooting a romantic movie or what" ni-ki asked

"oh sorry I didn't notice you, I was just admiring the nature" sunoo answered.

"oh by the way" when sunoo was going to ask Ni-ki something the teacher came in.
after more classes finally the lunc break came sunoo was determined to make Ni-ki sit with him and his friend.

" hey are you planning to spend your lunch break here, come let's go to the cafeteria " sunoo said  to ni-ki

"ok let's go"

they were in the cafeteria now, sunoo was searching for some one then he finally saw them

"hey!" he waved his hand

"come let's go there ni-ki there are my friends " sunoo said and dragged ni-ki with him.

"hi guys" sunoo said .

"hi sunoo hyung, oh! and who is he" jungwon asked

"he is Ni-ki my friend " sunoo said while taking the seat

"and ni-ki they are my friend remember I told you about them" sunoo said to ni-ki

"oh! hi I am ni-ki " he extend his hand for a shake  jungwon was the one to shook their hand first

"hi I am yang jungwon, nice to meet you" jungwon introduce him with a sweet smile .

"park sunghoon" sunghoon said with a fake smile and shook hands with Ni-ki

of course jungwon and sunoo aren't that stupid to not notice that sunghoon didn't like Ni-ki at all they were aware by now.

there were awkward air in their table no one was speaking anything until sunoo said something

"hey guys umm do you wanna come over my house tonight for sleepover my parents are oversea so basically I am alone and I feel very lonely there" sunoo said

"sure that great idea we will surely come tonight don't worry hyung" jungwon said

"right guys"

" ok I am in " ni-ki said

"what about you sunghoon hyung" sunoo asked

"How can I refuse your request sunoo ya~ I will surely come tonight" sunghoon said while looking at Ni-ki with a smirk planted in his Lips.

"please continue talking i am going to restroom, I will come back this quickly" sunoo said.

after sunoo got of from the cafeteria there were again this awkward silence at least for jungwon because the two sunghoon and ni-ki were boring hole in each other head.

Ummmm guys love byee♥️♥️💗

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